Leo Oosterweghel

From the list of elephant persons Family: Oosterweghel

Leo Oosterweghel
Leo  Oosterweghel

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Personal details
Country Ireland


Title Honorary Life Member
Organisation at World Association of Zoos and Aquaria

Title director 2001-2020
Location at Dublin Zoo in Ireland

Title director 1996-2001
Location at Melbourne Zoo in Australia

Title taxonomist
Location at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Netherlands

Title zookeeper
Location at Wassenaar Zoo in Netherlands

Biography details

Leo Oosterweghel , zoo director in Ireland

Born ? in Netherlands .

Mr Oosterweghel is the son of a pharmacist from the Dutch provincial city of Leiden. As a youngster he kept stick insects and went on wildlife treks. Later he worked as Zookeeper in neraby Wassenaar Zoo.

From there he got a full-time job at a Dutch museum Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden where he began taking related courses and programmes.

When Leo Oosterweghel walked through the doors of a small zoo in his home town around 50km west of Amsterdam at the age of 15 to start his first summer job he didn’t think for a moment he was setting out on a trail that would take him across Africa and Australia and end up in Ireland, where he would be instrumental in saving an institution from extinction.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). director Leo Oosterweghel in Ireland. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 10 February 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=846. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Leo Oosterweghel

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Categories director | zoo | Dublin Zoo | Oosterweghel family | Born ? | People from Ireland

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