Surin elephant kingdom (Ban Ta Klang elephant village) in Thailand

Surin elephant kingdom (Ban Ta Klang elephant village)

Address Ban Ta Klang, Krapho
Place Tatum
District Tha Tum District
Province Surin Province
Region East Thailand
Country Thailand
Website Website

Directors 2010-2017: Wanchai Tunwattana (director)
2017: Passakorn Orasun (director)

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Record history
History of updates2021-12-01

Latest document update2021-12-01 11:31:34
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Surin elephant kingdom (Ban Ta Klang elephant village), located at Ban Ta Klang, Krapho, in Tatum, Thailand , was founded in 2010.

Living elephants

At the Surin elephant kingdom (Ban Ta Klang elephant village) lives 121 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)

Comments / pictures
From The first report on internal transcribed spacer region-based characterization of Microfilaria in Asian elephants ( Elephas maximus) in Thailand
Location: Elephant Kingdom Project, Zoological Park Organization of Thailand, Tha Tum, Surin, Thailand

Filarial infections can significantly impact the health of both humans and animals. In elephants, filariasis has been associated with cutaneous Dermatitis and skin nodules. However, molecular evidence for such infections is limited in Thailand. This study aimed to identify the morphological and molecular characteristics of Microfilaria in captive Asian elephants in Thailand. Conventional PCR revealed that approximately 17% (22/129) of the sampled elephants were positive for Microfilaria. Microscopy revealed that microfilariae are large, unsheathed, with extended nuclei, a short headspace, and a curved tail tapering at the end. Microfilaria infection was not associated with age; however, microfilariae were more likely to be detected in male elephants due to differences in management systems.
Choenkwan Pabutta, Nuttapon Bangkaew, Pratthana Inthawong, Pannarai Mahadthai, Waleemas Jairak, Nantana Soda, Manakorn Sukmak, Supaphen Sripiboon, The first report on internal transcribed spacer region-based characterization of Microfilaria in Asian elephants ( Elephas maximus) in Thailand

References for records about Surin elephant kingdom (Ban Ta Klang elephant village)

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Surin elephant kingdom (Ban Ta Klang elephant village), Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

  • *DVM Wanchai Tunwattana, Project manager, Surin elephant kingdom, Surin, April 2011.
  • *Choenkwan Pabutta, Nuttapon Bangkaew, Pratthana Inthawong, Pannarai Mahadthai, Waleemas Jairak, Nantana Soda, Manakorn Sukmak, Supaphen Sripiboon, The first report on internal transcribed spacer region-based characterization of microfilaria in Asian elephants ( Elephas maximus) in Thailand

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