Circus Stey in Switzerland

Circus Stey
Local name Zirkus Stey

Owner -: Rolf Stey
-: Helene Stey
-: Bruno Stey
-1962: Isidor Stey
-2011: Rolf Stey
1962-: Mathilde Stey
Country Switzerland
Website Website

Directors: Trudy Zanolla (assistant director)

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Record history
History of updates2022-04-05

Latest document update2022-04-05 19:18:43
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Circus Stey, Switzerland .

Comments / picturesThe story of the Stey family begins with an English son of a miller, who immigrated to Alsace and became acquainted with counterfeiting and artistry. The Swiss line of the Stey family dates back to Heinrich Stey († 1933), who immigrated from Alsace to the municipality of Lachen on the upper Lake Zurich in Switzerland . Around the turn of the century, Heinrich Stey began touring Switzerland with the open, uncovered Arena Stey.

From the marriage with Mathilde Ley, eight children survived: Some of the sons emigrated to the USA and became known there with motorcycle stunts and with high mast and high rope numbers. Their son Isidor took over the parental business, bought a circus tent and founded the circus Stey, as it exists today.

Isidor\'s daughter Mathilde led the company from 1962 with her husband Willi Speichinger, who appeared as a clown "Cilo" in the arena. After the death of Mathilde Speichinger -Stey, Willi Speichinger handed over the line to his sons Rolf and Bruno. The latter left the company in 1993.

For a long time, Rolf Stey, who is sometimes referred to by the media as a "living circus legend", [5] the face of the company: Rolf and his wife Irene appeared worldwide with a knife-throwing number as "Two Tornados" . [6] For the tour, he obliges artists of the Mongolian , Russian , Chinese and Cuban national circuses. [7] Rolf changed his name from Speichinger to Stey, as this name was no longer represented in the circus after the death of his mother in 1983. From 2002, he led the Swiss Circus Company, which he founded.

Rolf\'s son Martin has been leading the company since 2011.

References for records about Circus Stey

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Circus Stey, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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