Givskud Zoo in Denmark

Givskud Zoo

Local name Løveparken

Owner1971 Jacob Hansen
1971-1983: Karl Erik Folke Hansen
First elephant arrived1971
Last elephant left2023
Address Loveparkvej 3
Zip-code DK-7323
Place Give
Country Denmark
Website Website

Directors1971 Jacob Hansen
1971-1983: Karl Erik Folke Hansen

Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers 1973?: Hans Romlund
Record history
History of updates2023-03-07

Latest document update2023-03-07 17:30:19
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Givskud Zoo, located at Loveparkvej 3, in Give, Denmark , was founded in 1969 and the first elephant arrived in 1971. The last elephant left in 2023.

Comments / picturesFounded by Jacob Hansen. who died 1971-04-04, and his son Karl Erik Folke Hansen took over the park, and owned until 1983.

References for records about Givskud Zoo

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Givskud Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Givskud Zoo on

Givskud Zoo is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2007-08-03Bons ree at givskud zoo is dead, 59 years old - Elephant News

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