Natural History Museum Rome in Italy

Natural History Museum Rome
Local name Museo di Zoologia

OwnerUniversità degli Studi di Roma
Address La Sapienza, Viale dell Università 32
Zip-code 00100
Place Roma
Region Lazio region
Country Italy


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Record history
History of updates2021-06-27

Latest document update2021-06-27 23:47:51
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Natural History Museum Rome, located at La Sapienza, Viale dell Università 32, in Roma, Italy .

Comments / picturesThe Museo Civico di Zoologia is a natural history museum in Rome, central Italy. It is situated next to the Bioparc (Zoo) and can be entered by the Zoo or through the entrance on via Ulisse Aldrovandi. Founded in 1932, it is said to continue the natural history tradition of the Gabinetto di Zoologia dell'Università Pontificia and the collections date from 1792.

The museum is the result of a convention made between the municipality of Rome and the Sapienza University of Rome . It is one of three centres, second in the university, conserves specimens of invertebrates and vertebrates including fish, amphibians and small mammals

References for records about Natural History Museum Rome

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Natural History Museum Rome, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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