Stukenbrock Safaripark in Germany

Stukenbrock Safaripark

Owner -: Gisele Strassburger
Address Schloß Holte, Mittweg 16
Zip-code D-33758
Place Stukenbrock
Country Germany
Website Website

Directors: Markus Köchling (director)
: Fritz Wurms (director)

Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants
1995: Adi Enders
(elephant trainer)

Elephant keepers -: Marcel Krämer
-: Inka Schuhmacher
Record history
History of updates2022-01-01

Latest document update2022-01-01 06:15:59
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Stukenbrock Safaripark, located at Schloß Holte, Mittweg 16, in Stukenbrock, Germany .

Living elephants

At the Stukenbrock Safaripark lives 4 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Baby born 1983
  2. Benji (Benjamin, Baby)
  3. Didi born 1975
  4. Mousi born 1983

Comments / picturesFounded by Gisele Strassburger, daughter to Karl Strassburger and Regina Strassburger and owner of Circus Strassburger.

References for records about Stukenbrock Safaripark

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Stukenbrock Safaripark, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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About this documentThis document was updated: 2022-01-01 06:15:59 with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest