Bouglione family

List of Bouglione family

From the list of persons with family name Bouglione

Database records of selected members from the family Bouglione

  1. Alexandre Bouglione, circus artist, born 1955, Son of director Firmin Bouglione and Violette de Dessus-le-Moustier
  2. Alexandre Bouglione, circus artist, born 1955, Son of artist Firmin Bouglione and Emma Bouglione
  3. Sandrine Bouglione, circus artist, born 1936-05-15, Daughter of director Joseph II Bouglione and Rosa Bouglione
  4. Alexandre Bouglione, circus director, born 1900-07-07, dead 1954-04-29. Son of director Jean Baptiste Boglione
  5. André-Joseph Bouglione, circus director, born ?, Son of artist Joseph III Bouglione
  6. Gipsy Bouglione, circus director, born ?, Daughter of artist Firmin Bouglione
  7. Charles Bouglione, circus director, born ?,
  8. Emilien Bouglione, circus director, born 1934, Son of director Joseph II Bouglione
  9. Firmin Bouglione, circus director, born 1905-06-21, dead 1980-03. Son of director Jean Baptiste Boglione
  10. Firmin Bouglione, circus artist, born 1933, dead 2022-11. Son of director Joseph II Bouglione and Rosa Bouglione
  11. Germaine Bouglione, circus artist, born ?, Daughter of director Alexandre Bouglione and Alexandra Robba
  12. Odette Bouglione, circus artist, born 1929, Daughter of director Joseph II Bouglione
  13. Jean Baptiste Boglione, circus director, born 1833-08-16, dead 1913-03-07.
  14. Joseph Bouglione, circus director, born 1875-10-20, dead 1941-10-01. Son of director Jean Baptiste Boglione
  15. Joseph III Bouglione, circus artist, born 1942, Son of director Joseph II Bouglione and Rosa Bouglione
  16. Joseph II Bouglione, circus director, born 1904, dead 1987. Son of director Joseph Bouglione
  17. Louis-Sampion Bouglione, circus director, Son of director Emilien Bouglione
  18. Madona Bouglione, circus artist, born 1945-12-18, Daughter of director Alexandre Bouglione and Alexandra Robba
  19. Sampion Bouglione, circus director, born 1910-07-26, dead 1967-09-06. Son of director Jean Baptiste Boglione
  20. Regina Bouglione, circus animal trainer, born ?, Daughter of director Emilien Bouglione
  21. Renée Bouglione, circus artist, born ?, Son of director Alexandre Bouglione and Alexandra Robba
  22. Rosa Canastrelli, circus artist, born 1960, Daughter of artist Firmin Bouglione and Emma Bouglione
  23. Sampion III Bouglione, circus elephant trainer, born 1938, dead 2019. Son of director Joseph II Bouglione and Rosa Bouglione

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