Fischer family

List of Fischer family

From the list of persons with family name Fischer

Database records of selected members from the family Fischer

  1. Adolf Fischer, circus director, born ?, dead 1960.
  2. Anna Fischer, circus artist,
  3. Anton Fischer, circus animal trainer, Son of director Herbert Fischer and Edith Fischer
  4. Carmen Nava, circus animal trainer, born ?, Daughter of director Herbert Fischer and Edith Fischer
  5. Herbert Fischer, circus director, born ?, Son of director Adolf Fischer and Leni Fischer
  6. Oskar Fischer Sr., circus director,
  7. Oskar Fischer Jr., circus director, born ?, Son of director Oskar Fischer Sr.
  8. Ralf Fischer, circus director, Son of director Adolf Fischer and Leni Fischer
  9. Johnny Fischer, circus elephant trainer, born ?, Son of director Herbert Fischer and Edith Fischer

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