Sandor Kleinbarth

From the list of elephant persons Family: Kleinbarth

Sandor Kleinbarth
Alexander  Kleinbarth

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Personal details

Spouse(s) Elise Kleinbarth

Country Czech Republic

Title animal trainer 1955
Location at Suomen Tivoli in Finland

Title animal trainer 1939-1945
Location at Circus Helene Hoppe in Germany

Title animal trainer 1914
Location at Circus Wilhelm Althoff in Germany

Title animal trainer 1913-1914
Location at Circus Sarrasani in Germany

Title animal trainer 1908-1913
Location at Circus Henry (Fiala) in Czech Republic

Biography details

Alexander Sandor Kleinbarth , circus director in Czech Republic

Born 1895 dead 1982 .

Alexander Sandor Kleinbarth (1895–1982) was an animal trainer and circus director.
Sandor Klieinbarth came from a “private” Hungarian family. He had learned the art of school riding in the Czech Circus Henry. Also, he developed and presented animal revues with monkeys, ponies and donkeys.

Until 1939, the Kleinbarth family had engagements in various European variety shows and circuses. From spring 1939 until the end of the war in 1945, they were engaged at the German Circus Helene Hoppe. In autumn 1945, Edit Sandor Kleinbarth and her parents left the Circus Helene Hoppe. After various engagements, among others in North Africa, the parents of Edit Sandor Kleinbarth decided to accept an offer from Finland in 1955.

1950: In the spring of 1950 , the family of Alexander Sandor Kleinbarth (1895–1982) arrived in Finland with the animal caretaker Ernst Späth (1900–1983). They had an agreement with the Finnish Tivoli department headed by Erkki Parkkonen . According to the party company, they joined in their own tent under the name Pienois-Eläinsirkus . And that way they stayed in Finland. Mrs. Elise Kleinbarth (born Elise Althoff) (1897–1958) died early. Daughter Edith also performed when needed.


Total: 1 children

  1. Edit Kleinbarth. Born: 1931.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Alexander Sandor Kleinbarth in Germany. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 13 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Edit Kleinbarth

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Categories director | circus | Circus Helene Hoppe | Kleinbarth family | Born 1895 | Dead 1982 | People from Czech Republic

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