Franz Nock Jr.

From the list of elephant persons Family: Nock

Franz Nock Jr.
Profession circus director
Personal details
Born 1936-08-07

Spouse(s) Verena Nock-Hochstrasser

Country Switzerland

Title owner -1992
Location at Circus Nock in Switzerland

Title owner -
Location at Circus Nock in Switzerland

Biography details

Franz Nock Jr., circus director in Switzerland

Born 1936-08-07 , son of director Franz Nock Sr. and director Angelika Bauer .

Early on in his childhood, Franz got to know all areas of the touring business and grew into the circus world as an all-round artist. As a versatile acrobat, he showed chair pyramids, work with brother Alfredo and the sisters in a wide variety of disciplines.

Even as director of the company, he never hesitated to lend a hand wherever there was a need. Later Franz Nock presented his horses as director and managing director. The Fjord horses and later the Arabian and Friesian stallions were legendary. In 1992, Franz entrusted the circus to his daughter Franziska and retired from the ring. Even though his daughters Franziska and Alexandra run Circus Nock today, Franz is still omnipresent in the background and is always on the spot with advice and action.


Total: 2 children

  1. Franziska Nock.
  2. Alexandra Nock.


Siblings through the father Franz Nock Sr. (1899-07-08 -- 1976-07-21):

  1. Sonja Nock
  2. Alfredo Nock Born 1940

Franz Nock Jr. s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Franz Nock Jr.
Born: 1936-08-07

Franz Nock

Born: 1899-07-08

Paternal Grandfather:

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Angelika Bauer

Born: 1900-02-23

Maternal Grandfather:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Franz Nock Jr. in Switzerland. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 11 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Alexandra Nock

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Categories director | circus | Circus Nock | Nock family | Born 1936 | People from Switzerland

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