Hermann Ruhe Jr.

From the list of elephant persons Family: Ruhe

Hermann Ruhe Jr.
Profession organisation animal trader
Personal details
Born 1895 in Germany
Dead 1978 in Germany
Country Germany

Title owner 1972-1978
Location at Brunkensen Kinderzoo in Germany

Title owner 1972-1978
Location at Wingst Baby Zoo in Germany

Title owner 1969-1978
Location at Mallorca Safari Park in Spain

Title owner 1948-1978
Location at Ruhr Zoo, Gelsenkirchen in Germany

Title owner 1945
Location at Firma Ruhe Hamburg Quarantene in Germany

Title director 1931-1971
Location at Hannover Zoo in Germany

Title owner 1923-1978
Location at Firma Ruhe in Germany

Title owner
Location at Firma Louis Ruhe in United States

Biography details

Hermann Ruhe Jr., organisation animal trader in Germany

Born 1895 in Germany dead 1978 in Germany , son of animal trader Hermann Ruhe Sr. .

1914 to 1918: Hermann Ruhe Jr. joined the German Army in WWI, but still managed to export birds.

Hermann Ruhe Jr. married Christa Franke, and their daughter Christel Ruhe was born.

1923: The founder of Firma Ruhe, Hermann Ruhe Sr. died in 1923, and his son Hermann Ruhe Jr. took over the company.

1931-1971 Hermann Ruhe Jr. rented the entire Hannover Zoo.

1945: Ruhe established a quarantene in the free port in Hamburg, in order to ship exports destined for USA. Since then, Alfeld was only used for animals which would stay in Europe.

1948: Hermann Ruhe Jr. founded Ruhr Zoo in Gelsenkirchen.

Christa and Hermann divorced and Hermann married Lieselotte Geibel.

1969: Founded Autosafari Reserva Africana in Mallorca, which he sold in 1990.

1972: Founded Wingst Baby Zoo and Brunkensen Kinderzoo. Both Zoos sold 1994.


Total: 1 children

  1. Hermann Ruhe III. Born: 1924-11-14. Dead: † 2003-12-14


Siblings through the father Hermann Ruhe Sr. (? -- 1923):

  1. Ludwig Ruhe Born 1893

Hermann Ruhe Jr. s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Hermann Ruhe Jr.
Born: 1895

Hermann Ruhe

Born: ?

Paternal Grandfather:
Ludwig Ruhe

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:



Maternal Grandfather:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). animal trader Hermann Ruhe Jr. in Germany. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 13 May 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=445. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Hermann Ruhe III

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Categories animal trader | organisation | Wingst Baby Zoo | Ruhe family | Born 1895 | Dead 1978 | People from Germany

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