Davio Casartelli

From the list of elephant persons Family: Casartelli

Davio Casartelli
Davio  Casartelli

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Personal details
Country Italy

Title elephant trainer -1994
Location at Circus Medrano-Casartelli in Italy

Biography details

Davio Casartelli , circus elephant trainer in Italy

Born 1956 , son of director Leonida Casartelli and artist Wally Togni .

1988: In 1988 Davio Casartelli with the elephantesses Tali, Batman and Kanaudy repeated Hannibal's crossing of the Alps. 800 km on foot, starting on March 30 from Perpignan in France to arrive in Turin on April 19, making a series of stages with a following of about 100 people. The arrival in Turin took place in the center, in Piazza Castello where a large crowd and the mayor of the city were waiting for them. It was a historic undertaking, which all the media talked about, within a charity marathon in favor of Research against leukemia, called "Ian Botham Hannibal Walk" after its inventor who wanted to re-propose the historic crossing. Documentaries, news reports and articles in print were made. In each city the expedition was awaited by fanfares in historical costumes and a cheering crowd. That charity marathon raised 31 billion lire.


Siblings through the father Leonida Casartelli (1924 -- 1978):

  1. Heros Casartelli Born 1949
  2. Ghisi Casartelli Born 1944
  3. Josette Casartelli Born 1947 Dead: † 1997-02-08
  4. Liviana Casartelli Born 1960

Davio Casartelli s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Davio Casartelli
Born: 1956

Leonida Casartelli

Born: 1924

Paternal Grandfather:
Umberto Casartelli

Born: 1893
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Pietro Casartelli
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:
Eleonora Gerardi

Born: 1898
Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Wally Togni

Born: ?

Maternal Grandfather:
Ugo Togni

Born: 1897
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Aristide Togni
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Teresa De Bianchi
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). elephant trainer Davio Casartelli in Italy. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 11 May 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=962. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Davio Casartelli

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Categories elephant trainer | circus | Circus Medrano-Casartelli | Casartelli family | Born 1956 | People from Italy

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