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Elephant locations in Congo
5 locations has kept elephants in Congo
There is presently 8 (0,8) living elephants in locations in Congo in this database
Congo is in this database included in africa
Location holdings: 5 locations has kept 11 elephants in Congo (Database tables with collection of elephants further down on the page )
Elephants in locations 8 (0,8) living 3 (3,0) dead
Recommended Citation Koehl, Dan, Facts about elephants in Congo . Elephant Encyclopedia, (2025) available online retrieved 2025-02-18 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )
Internal relevant links
Name Elephant collection Place
Api Elephant Domestication Center (camp) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)
0 births 0 relocated 0 deaths Api
Bushimaie Hunting Reserve (private) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)
1 births 0 relocated 1 deaths Bakwanga(map) Kasaï-Oriental South Kasai
Congo unspecified forest (wild) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)
2 births 1 relocated 0 deaths (map)
Gangala-na-Bodio Elephant Domestication Center (camp) Kept totally 29 elephants, 8 present (0,8)
0 births 20 relocated 1 deaths Faradje(map)
Mr. Costa sawmill (private) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)
0 births 0 relocated 1 deaths Stanleyville