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Definition of Skeleton

From the elephant glossary Section: elephant anatomy

Illustration of African elephants skeleton
Illustration of African elephants skeleton
Illustration of African elephants skeleton
Illustration of African elephants skeleton
The frontfoot of asian elephants has five nails.
The frontfoot of asian elephants has five nails. Illustration of African elephants skeleton
The hindfoot of asian elephants has four nails.
The hindfoot of asian elephants has four nails. Illustration of African elephants skeleton

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The skeleton of the elephant is made up of 326–351 bones. The vertebrae are connected by tight joints, which limit the backbone's flexibility. African elephants have 21 pairs of ribs, while Asian elephants have 19 or 20 pairs.

Name Location
Humerus Upper bone of the fore limb (in tetrapods) i.e top of the arm
Radius Pre-axial bone of the fore limb
Ulna Longer thick bone of fore limb which articulates with the humerus
Carpus Wrist Joint (In birds the outer joint of the wrist)
Metacarpal Palm region of the hand
Phalanges Digits of the hand and feet
Femur Upper bone of the hind limb (in tetrapods) or the third segment of the leg in insects
Tibia Shin bone; anterior long bone of lower hind limb
Fibula Posterior of lower hind limb
Tarsus ankle (in mammals) or lower long bone of the leg (in birds)
Metatarsal Linked to the tarsus and phalanges
Pectoral girdle
Scapula Dorsal part or shoulder (in mammals)
Coracoid Extends from scapula
Clavicle Collar bone, ventral side of the shoulder
Pelvic girdle
Ilium Dorsal section articulates with the sacral vertebrae
Ischium Projects backwards on ventral side
Pubis Anterior ventral part

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2024). Skeleton. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Selected publications
  • Mariappa, D: Anatomy and Histology of the Indian Elephant
  • Shoshani, J. (1996) Skeletal and other basic anatomical features of elephants. It The Proboscidea: Evolution and Paleoecology of Elephants and Their Relatives (eds. J. Shoshani & P. Tassy), pp. 9-20. Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York/Tokyo. 472P.

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