Present living elephants at La Teste Zoo du Bassin d´Arcachon in France

This database list 3 elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Origin Age Arrival from location
1 ♂ LA Jogi
EEP id: 201400
Born captive-born 2014-08-14 by Tusker x Sweni at Wuppertal Zoo , 10 yrs2020-10-14 Wuppertal Zoo
2 ♂ LA Tuluba
EEP id: 201000
Born captive-born 2010-08-06 by Tusker x Numbi at Vienna Zoo , 14 yrs2016-04-26 Vienna Zoo
3 ♂ LA Shawu
Born captive-born 2011-01-20 by Tusker x Punda at Wuppertal Zoo , 13 yrs2016-04-26 Beekse Bergen Safaripark

Source for the list of elephants presently living at La Teste Zoo du Bassin d´Arcachon

Reference list

Facts about present living elephants at La Teste Zoo du Bassin d´Arcachon in France at La Teste Zoo du Bassin d´Arcachon in France, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2020-10-12 Jogi:•
2016-04-30 Tuluba:• Vienna Zoo elephant calf to be named Tuluba

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