Circus Medrano-Casartelli in Italy

Circus Medrano-Casartelli
Local name Circo Casartelli, Arena Rosa, Circo Aurora, Circo Coliseum, Circo Medrano Casartelli

Owner -1922: Pietro Casartelli
-1922: Federico Casartelli
-1933: Umberto Casartelli
1933-1945: Rosina Casartelli
1945-1978: Leonida Casartelli
Closed down1994
Place Vecchia
Country Italy
Website Website

Directors: Elio Casartelli (assistant director)
: Ghisi Casartelli (assistant director)
: Josette Casartelli (assistant director)
: Liviana Casartelli (assistant director)
1978-1994: Ugo De Rocchi (director)

Key People -: Giuseppe Casartelli (artist)
-: Liliana Casartelli (artist)
-: Lucina Casartelli (artist)
-: Heros Casartelli (animal trainer)
-: Nandino De Rocchi (artist)
-1994: Ivette Bellucci De Rocchi (animal trainer)
1945-1999: Jonne Casartelli (animal trainer)


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants
-1994: Davio Casartelli
(elephant trainer)

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2022-03-16

Latest document update2022-03-16 14:39:38
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Circus Medrano-Casartelli, in Vecchia, Italy . Circus Medrano-Casartelli closed down in 1994.

Comments / pictures

The sons of Giuseppe Casartelli, who performed in the 1850s, Pietro (1860-1922), who was known as a good hand-balancer, and Federico (?-?), an acrobat and clown, started the first Casartelli circus, with the help of their numerous offspring. As it was common in Italian circus families of the time, all of them were trained acrobats and equestrians (notably in bareback riders). When Pietro’s elder son, Umberto, better known as Romeo (1893-1933), died in 1933, the family split. Umberto Casartellis wife, the courageous and strong-willed Rosina Casartelli, née Gerardi (1898-1974), went back on the road with her son Leonida Casartelli (1924-1978) and her daughters Jonne Casartelli (1919-1999), Liliana Casartelli (1921-2004), and Lucina Casartelli (1931- 2003). She became the Matriarch of the Casartelli family, establishing through her progeny the basis of the Casartelli circus dynasty. By the end of the war, Rosina Casartelli’s sons and nephews had already produced dozens of new family members, and her son Leonida took over the reins of the ever-growing family circus.
Raffaele De Ritis, Italy

Three of the Swoboda sisters, Therese, Anita and Helena (Hella), had married and settled in Italy, where they had rented the Medrano name to various Italian circuses. Therese had died in 1951, and Anita eventually left the circus; Hella Swoboda, who had married Renato Medini, of the famous Italian circus family, eventually remained sole owner of the title. In 1972, Medrano seemed to Leonida Casartelli a perfect name for his circus: Casartelli exploited the same market as had the Swobodas, a market where the Medrano title had gained, over the years, prestige and recognition. He made a deal with Renato Medini, and legally purchased a name that belonged to the seller somewhat illegitimately.
Raffaele De Ritis, Italy

1988: In 1988 Davio Casartelli with the elephants Tali, Batman and Kanaudy repeated Hannibal\\'s crossing of the Alps. 800 km on foot, starting on March 30 from Perpignan in France to arrive in Turin on April 19, making a series of stages with a following of about 100 people. The arrival in Turin took place in the center, in Piazza Castello where a large crowd and the mayor of the city were waiting for them. It was a historic undertaking, which all the media talked about, within a charity marathon in favor of Research against leukemia, called "Ian Botham Hannibal Walk" after its inventor who wanted to re-propose the historic crossing. Documentaries, news reports and articles in print were made. In each city the expedition was awaited by fanfares in historical costumes and a cheering crowd. That charity marathon raised 31 billion lire.

References for records about Circus Medrano-Casartelli

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Circus Medrano-Casartelli, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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