Polack Brothers Circus in United States

Polack Brothers Circus
Local name Rutherford Greater Shows, Polack Bros. World at Home Shows, Polack Bros. Greater Shows and Twenty Big Shows

Owner 1931-1976: Louis Stern
1949-1962: Bessie Polack
Closed down1976
Country United States

DirectorsLouis P. Stern

Key People -: June Madison (animal trainer)
1955-: Audrey Ching (artist)


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants
1965: William "Buckles" Woodcock
(elephant trainer)
: Pinky Madison
(elephant trainer)
: Slivers Madison
(elephant trainer)
1946-1950: Cheerful Gardner
(elephant trainer)
1954-1965: Mac Macdonald
(elephant trainer)

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2024-01-06

Latest document update2024-01-06 18:02:10
Relevant literature
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Polack Brothers Circus, United States , was founded in 1931. Polack Brothers Circus closed down in 1976.

Comments / picturesInitially railroad carnivals that were operated by brothers Irving R. and Harry R. Polack. Alternative names: Rutherford Greater Shows, Polack Bros. World at Home Shows, Polack Bros. Greater Shows and Twenty Big Shows.

1919-03-20: Harry passed away at Brunswick, GA, age 42.

1931: Louis P. Stern became partner with Irving as founders of Polack Brothers Circus.

1949-07-13: Irving passed away in Van Nuys, CA, age 64. His widow Bessie (d. 1962) took over his share.

Records about Polack Brothers Circus from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at http://www.bucklesw.blogspot.com/
The Tom Packs elephant act "Alice", "Jean", "Penny", "Mary" and "Tommy" was so impressive that Louie Stern hired it for the Polack Show several seasons before stealing Mac Macdonald and Peggy away.

William "Buckles" Woodcock

Circus historian and elephant trainer William "Buckles" Woodcock consider Mac Macdonald as one of Americas best elephant trainers, his masterpiece being the "Besalou elephants" the combination of the Polack Brothers Circus owners names, Bessie Polack and Louis Stern. The Besalou elephants names was "Mary", "Jean", "Millie", "Betty", "Kathy" and "Opal" named for Peggy and Macs friends such as Millie Ward, Betty Bell, Kathy Goebel and Opal Page.

1976: Louis P. Stern sold the show.

References for records about Polack Brothers Circus

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Polack Brothers Circus, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=492. (archived at the Wayback machine)

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