Present living elephants at Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo in Australia

This database list 7 elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Origin Age Arrival from location
1 ♀ EM Anjalee
ASMP id: 74? (unconfirmed)
Born captive-born 2006-08-23 by Jayathu x Mayuri at Pinnawala elephant orphanage , 18 yrs2022-03-08 Auckland Zoo
2 ♀ EM Kanlaya
ASMP id: 80? (unconfirmed)
Born captive-born 2018-06-14 by Putra Mas x Porntip at Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo , 6 yrs2018-06-14
3 ♀ EM Thong Dee
ASMP id: 60
Born unknown 2000 at Unknown , 24 yrs2015-04-30 Sydney Zoo
4 ♀ EM Porntip
ASMP id: 63
Born unknown 1992 at Unknown , 32 yrs2015-04-24 Sydney Zoo
5 ♂ EM Gung
ASMP id: 59
Born unknown 2000 at Unknown , 24 yrs2018-01-30 Sydney Zoo
6 ♂ EM Sabai
ASMP id: 78? (unconfirmed)
Born captive-born 2016-11-02 by Gung x Thong Dee at Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo , 8 yrs2016-11-02
7 ♂ EM Pathi Harn
ASMP id: 71
Born captive-born 2010-03-10 by Bong Su x Porntip at Sydney Zoo , 14 yrs2015-04-24 Sydney Zoo

Source for the list of elephants presently living at Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo

Reference list

Facts about present living elephants at Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo in Australia at Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo in Australia, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2018-08-01 Kanlaya:•
2018-08-01 Sabai:•
2018-07-01 Porntip:• Glenn Sullivan, Dubbo, Australia
2018-04-21 Thong Dee:• Glenn Sullivan, Dubbo, Australia.
2018-04-21 Gung:• Glenn Sullivan
2018-04-21 Pathi Harn:• Vera Nedved and Lisa Keen, Taronga Zoo
•  Roger Brogan
•  Glenn Sullivan, Dubbo, Australia
2016-03-31 Anjalee:• Sanjaya Kumara Ratnayake, assistant curator, Pinnawala elephant orphanage.

Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo on

Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2020-08-14Killer elephant owners regret zoo transfer - Elephant News
2016-11-26Taronga western plains zoo: first asian elephant calf named ‘sabai’ after competition held for public to find best name - Elephant News
2014-02-27'basil fawlty' to open accommodation - Elephant News
2013-11-20Dubbo's western plans zoo plans for arrival of asian elephant bulls pathi harn, luk chai and gung from sydney's taronga zoo - Elephant News
2010-10-23Elephant in fatal attack on australian - Elephant News
2010-10-04Australia's oldest african elephant dies - Elephant News

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