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Ellen Wiedner

From the list of elephant persons Family: Wiedner

Ellen Wiedner
Ellen  Wiedner

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Personal details
Country United States


Title board member,veterinarian 2010
Organisation at Elephant Managers Assocation

Title instructor 2008-2015
Organisation at Association of Zoos and Aquariums

Title veterinarian 2016-now
Location at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in United States

Title veterinarian 2010-2012
Location at Los Angeles Zoo in United States

Title head veterinarian 2004-2010
Location at Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation in United States

Biography details

Ellen Wiedner , zoo veterinarian in United States


Dr. Ellen Wiedner graduated from Princeton University with a degree in biology. She received her veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania, then completed an internship in Ambulatory and Production Medicine at Cornell University, and a residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine at Purdue University.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). veterinarian Ellen Wiedner in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 17 February 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications
  • McGee, JL, E Wiedner, and R Isaza. 2014. Prenatal passive transfer of Mycobacterium tuberculosis antibodies in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) calves. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine . 45(4): 955-957.
  • Isaza, R, E Wiedner, S Hiser, and C Cray. 2014. Reference intervals for acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis values in captive Asian elephants J Vet Diag Invest. 26(5): 616-621.
  • Stanton, JJ, J-C Zong, C Eng, L Howard, J Flanagan, M Stevens, D Schmitt, E Wiedner, D Graham, RE Junge, MA Weber, M Fischer, A Mejia, J Tan, E Latimer, A Herron, GS Hayward, and PD Ling. 2013. Kinetics of viral loads and genotypic analysis of elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus-1 infection in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44(1): 42-54.
  • Hall, N, R Isaza, J Hall, E Wiedner, B Conrad and H Walmsley. 2012. Serum osmolality and effects of water deprivation in captive Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). J Vet Diag Investig. 24(4): 688-695.
  • Wiedner, EB, J.Peddie, LR Peddie, N Abou-Madi, GV Kollias, C Doyle, WA Lindsay, R Isaza, S Terrell, TM Lynch, K Johnson, G Johnson, C Sammut, B Daft and F Uzal. 2012. Strangulating intestinal obstructions in four captive elephants (Elephas maximus and Loxodonta africana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 43(1): 125-130.
  • Wiedner, EB, NY Takeuchi, R Isaza, and D Barber. 2011. Baseline levels of trace metals in blood of captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 42(2): 360-362.
  • Lindsay, WA, EB Wiedner, R Isaza, HGG Townsend, M Boleslawski, and DP Lunn. 2010. Immune responses of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to commercial tetanus toxoid vaccine. Vet Immunol Immunopath. 133: 287-289.
  • Wiedner, EB, R. Alleman, and R Isaza. 2009. Urinalysis in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 40: 659-666.
  • Wiedner, EB, & D Schmitt. 2009. Captive elephant medicine: Recent developments. J Asian Elephant Specialist Group. 31:25-28.
  • Bartlett, SL, N Abou-Madi, MC Kraus, EB Wiedner, SR Starkey, and GV Kollias. 2009. Electrocardiography of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 40: 466-473.
  • Wiedner, EB, C Gray, P Rich, GL Jacobson, R Isaza, D Schmitt, and WA Lindsay. 2008. Non-surgical repair of an umbilical hernia in two Asian elephant calves (Elephas maximus ).Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39: 248-251.
  • Wiedner, EB, R Isaza, LE Galle, K Barrie and WA Lindsay. 2006. Medical management of a corneal stromal abscess in a female Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37(3): 397-400.

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