Wilbur Deppe

From the list of elephant persons Family: Deppe

Wilbur Deppe
Profession circus director
Personal details
Born ? in United States
Dead ? in United States
Country United States

Title owner 1960-1970
Location at Deppe Classic Circus in United States

Biography details

Wilbur W. Deppe , circus director in United States

Born ? in United States dead ? in United States .

Records about Wilbur Deppe from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at http://www.bucklesw.blogspot.com/
Wilbur Deppe of Baraboo bought Bertha and had Jenda continue working her at CWM. To put on a full show he got his father hired [horses Whip act, etc.] Deppe sold Bertha to Nugget and bought two punks from St. Louis Zoo kiddie area,(Pearl and Florence). I changed them to Topsy and Eva and then bought a third punk from some roadside zoo named Suzie. Jenda went with Bertha and Sr. Smaha was to train the new arrivals. No actual training was done and Sr. Smaha advised Deppe that he was contracted to go with Hamid and between those dates would train elephants. This was unacceptable to business man Deppe as he wanted a full time trainer. During the summer Suzie became ill and died all in one day. An autopsy was done and it was found that she had had Pneumonia from her time at this road side zoo and her Lungs were permanently damaged. Deppe and I went to see Gene Holters show at the Portage Fair and he had a nice young untrained elephant with him that the ran in the animal races [typical Holter] and Deppe bought her and her name was Toby. I spent seven years at CWM with those elephants and would probably be there today had not Irvin Feld came to Baraboo, hired us and bought the Elephants and ponies. I spent seven years at CWM with those elephants and would probably be there today had not Irvin Feld came to Baraboo, hired us and bought the Elephants and ponies. Frankie Brown the best Helper any trainer could ever have. He had also worked for Jenda and Tony and is the oldest continual employee at the CWM.
James Cole

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Wilbur W. Deppe in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=365. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Wilbur Deppe

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Categories director | circus | Deppe Classic Circus | Deppe family | Born ? | Dead ? | People from United States

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