Lorenz Hagenbeck

From the list of elephant persons Family: Hagenbeck

Lorenz Hagenbeck
Lorenz  Hagenbeck
Three generations; Lorenz Hagenbeck, his son, Carl-Lorenz Hagenbeck and the latter's baby son, in the zoo in Stellingen.
Personal details

Spouse(s) Else Hagenbeck

Country Germany

Title owner 1916-1953
Location at Circus Carl Hagenbeck-Stellingen in Germany

Title owner 1913-1956
Location at Firma Carl Hagenbeck in Germany

Biography details

Lorenz Hagenbeck , circus director in Germany

Born 1882 in Germany dead 1956 , son of animal trader Carl Hagenbeck Jr. and assistant director Amanda Hagenbeck .

1916: Adolf Strassburger had a Circus Strassburger for sale, including tent, 63 horses and 3 elephants during tour in Norway. In 1916 Lorenz Hagenbeck borrowed 40 000 Mark from Hamburgs largest bankier, Max Warburg, and bought Strassburgers circus, and the name was changed to Cirkus Carl Hagenbeck-Stellingen.

I had just gone to Sweden again to buy up horseflesh when Adolf Strassburger offered me his circus. But I had not the money. Nor had Uncle John, at Stellingen, anything in the kitty. Yet he supported the plan which I immediately conceived. As our name stood well in Hamburg, and in spite of the bad financial position our credit was good, I plucked up the courage to apply to the famous banker, Max Warburg. He immediately accommodated me with a rather large sum, sufficient to enable me to offer Strassburger a good price and make preparations to start a new Carl Hagenbeck tented circus. There was no lack of performing animals at Stellingen, and we had enough exotic animals at our empty mangers to be able to send a seemly animal show on to the road.
Animals Are My Life, by Lorenz Hagenbeck

1940: We took up our winter quarters in our Viennese circus building. Then in 1940 we set out on a tour, going north as far as Dessau, and ending up in Danzig, which was still not blacked out. This was my second son, Herbert's, last tour. The following year, he fell seriously ill and died. Animals Are My Life, by Lorenz Hagenbeck

1949: Lorenz Hagenbeck went on tour again, but after the war people in europe were to poor to keep his Circus with an income. 1953 he closed it down.
1956: Lorenz Hagenbeck died 26 Feb 1956, in Hamburg.

Lorenz Hagenbeck had the sons Carl-Lorenz "Carlos" Hagenbeck (1908 - 1948), Herbert Hagenbeck (1911-1941), Erich Hagenbeck (1912-?), and grandson Dietrich Hagenbeck.


Total: 3 children

  1. Carlo Hagenbeck. Born: 1908. Dead: † 1948
  2. Herbert Hagenbeck. Born: 1911. Dead: † 1941
  3. Erich Hagenbeck. Born: 1912.


Siblings through the father Carl Hagenbeck Jr. (1844 -- 1913-04-13):

  1. Heinrich Hagenbeck Born 1875 Dead: † 1945
  2. Amanda Hagenbeck Born 1849 Dead: † 1939

Lorenz Hagenbeck s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Lorenz Hagenbeck
Born: 1882

Carl Hagenbeck

Born: 1844

Paternal Grandfather:
Gottfried Hagenbeck

Born: 1810
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:
Christiana Anderson

Born: 1812
Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Amanda Mehrmann

Born: 1849-10-03

Maternal Grandfather:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Lorenz Hagenbeck in Germany. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=413. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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Categories director | circus | Firma Carl Hagenbeck | Hagenbeck family | Born 1882 | Dead 1956 | People from Germany

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