Osnabruck Zoo in Germany

Osnabruck Zoo


Address Am Waldzoo 2/3
Zip-code 49082
Place Osnabrück
Country Germany
Website Website

Directors 1954-1956: Heinz-Georg Klös (director)

Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers: Matthias Gross
: Perry Haans
-: Detlef Niebler
Record history
History of updates2023-09-02

Latest document update2023-09-02 01:22:02
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Osnabruck Zoo, located at Am Waldzoo 2/3, in Osnabrück, Germany .

Living elephants

At the Osnabruck Zoo lives 4 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Ananda Yingthway born 2008-02-25
  2. Douanita born 1987
  3. Sita born 2013-02-11
  4. Yaro born 2020-12-21

Comments / picturesOsnabruck Zoo in Germany GermanyThe old elephant enclosure in Osnabruck Zoo, 1988

Osnabruck Zoo in Germany GermanyThe plan for a future new elephant enclosure, estimated to cost 12 million Euro.

References for records about Osnabruck Zoo

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Osnabruck Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=110. (archived at the Wayback machine)

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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