Giacomo Doria Natural History Museum in Italy

Giacomo Doria Natural History Museum
Local name Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria

Address Via Brigata Liguria, 9
Zip-code 16121
Place Genova
Country Italy


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Giacomo Doria Natural History Museum, located at Via Brigata Liguria, 9, in Genova, Italy , was founded in 1867.

Taxidermy specimens

Giacomo Doria Natural History Museum has in its collection 1 elephantine museum specimens with records in this database:

(Measurements of teeth and body parts follow the system described by Maglio (1973; P = plate number, L = length, W = width, H = height, LF = lamellar frequency)

    Campo del Gallo elephant Accession nr: C.E. no. 3544. Received: 1941-00-00 Campo del Gallo elephant (fossil)
    Species: Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)
    * Born at Europe unspecified location † Dead at Campo del Gallo
    Death: accident Death reason: became trapped in mud in a lake and was unable to get back to the bank.
    Discovered as fossil 1941-00-00 at 1941 in a deposit of diatomaceous earth on the left side of the Fosso Fonte Campanile stream Campo del Gallo, Viterbo, Italy,
    Body, bone or dental material: complete skeleton,

Comments / picturesThe Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova is a natural history museum in Genoa, northern Italy. It is named after the naturalist Giacomo Doria, who was the founder and the curator for over forty years.

The museum was founded in 1867 and contains over four million specimens from all over the world. It contains zoological, botanical and geological collections. Important collections include those of Luigi D'Albertis, Leonardo Fea, Arturo Issel, Orazio Antinori, Odoardo Beccari and Lamberto Loria. Since 1922 it is the headquarters of the Società entomologica italiana (Italian Entomological Society).

The most notable fossils are displayed in the Salone di Paleontologia (Palaeontology Room), which is dominated by the large Skeleton of an ancient Italian elephant (Elephas antiquus italicus) which lived during the Quaternary in the forests of Eurasia and is now extinct. It is probable that the elephant, which was found in 1941 in a deposit of diatomaceous earth in the Viterbo area, became trapped in mud in a lake and was unable to get back to the bank. After its death, the elephant sank to the bottom of the lake and slowly became buried in sediment composed of microscopic diatom skeletons. When this turned into rock, the fossil of this large animal was preserved. In order to prepare the Skeleton for its display in Genoa, the specimen was moved to the Institute of Geology in Pisa, where the bones were sadly damaged by Allied bombing and thus had to undergo further restoration work.

References for records about Giacomo Doria Natural History Museum

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Giacomo Doria Natural History Museum, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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