Knie family

List of Knie family

From the list of persons with family name Knie

Database records of selected members from the family Knie

  1. Eliane Knie, circus artist, born 1915-08-12, dead 2000-00-00. Daughter of artist Eugen Knie and Helene Zeller
  2. Eugen Knie, circus artist, born 1890, dead 1995-10-09. Son of director Ludwig Knie and Marie Heim
  3. Franco Knie, circus director, born 1954-09-08, Son of director Rolf Knie Sr. and Tina Knie
  4. Franco Knie Jr., circus director, born 1978, Son of director Franco Knie and Doris Agostini
  5. Fredy Knie Jr., circus director, born 1946-09-30, Son of director Fredy Knie Sr.
  6. Friedrich Knie, circus director, born 1784, dead 1850.
  7. Friedrich Knie, circus director, born 1844, dead 1941-04-27. Son of director Ludwig Knie and Marie Heim
  8. Fredy Knie Sr., circus director, born 1920-05-29, dead 2003-10-11. Son of director Friedrich Knie and Margrit Lippuner
  9. Géraldine Knie, circus animal trainer, born 1973-01-19, Daughter of director Fredy Knie Jr.
  10. Karl Knie, circus director, dead 1860. Son of director Friedrich Knie
  11. Louis Knie Sr., circus director, born 1951, Son of director Rolf Knie Sr. and Tina Knie
  12. Louis Knie Jr., circus animal trainer, born 1974, Son of director Louis Knie Sr. and Germaine Knie
  13. Ludwig Knie, circus director, born 1842, dead 1909. Son of director Karl Knie and Anastasia Staudinger
  14. Rolf Knie, circus artist, born 1949-08-16, Son of director Fredy Knie Sr.
  15. Rolf Knie Sr., circus director, born 1921-11-23, dead 1997-08-18. Son of director Friedrich Knie and Margrit Lippuner

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