Lewis Bailey

From the list of elephant persons Family: Bailey

Lewis Bailey
Profession circus director
Personal details
Born 1803 in United States
Dead 1870 in United States
Country United States

Title owner 1835-1837
Location at The Zoological Institute in United States

Title owner 1834-1835
Location at J. T. and J. P. Bailey's Menagerie and Circus in United States

Title owner 1833-1833
Location at Brown & Bailey's Circus in United States

Title owner 1831-1832
Location at Purdy, Carley & Bailey in United States

Biography details

Lewis Bailey , circus director in United States

Born 1803 in United States dead 1870 in United States , son of owner Hachaliah Bailey and assistant director Mary Bailey .

The son of Hachaliah Bailey, Lewis Bailey (1803–1870), operated a travelling circus and pioneered the use of canvas circus tents before eventually settling in 1840 to farm land in Bailey's Crossroads.

In his 1825 season J. Purdy Brown, with his partner Lewis Bailey (son of Hachaliah), introduced one of
the greatest innovations to the traveling show, around top or circular canvas tent 90 ft. in diameter.
Using a portable tent Brown could set up in small places between his major shows in metropolitan areas,
stay as long as business warranted, and then pack up his troupe and move on. The tent allowed him to
perform continuously and avoid down time between larger venues,(22) while bringing the entertainment
to small towns.


Siblings through the father Hachaliah Bailey (1774-07-31 -- ):

  1. Joseph Bailey Born 1807 Dead: † 1881
  2. James Bailey Born 1812 Dead: † 1853
  3. Solomon Bailey

Lewis Bailey s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Lewis Bailey
Born: 1803

Hachaliah Bailey

Born: 1774-07-31

Paternal Grandfather:
James Bailey

Born: 1747-09-27
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:
Annezz Brown

Born: 1753-04-17
Paternal Great-grandfather::
Hackaliah Brown
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Abigai Halstead

Mary Purdy

Born: 1784-09-22

Maternal Grandfather:
Joseph Purdy

Born: 1744-09-05
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:
Letitia Guion

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). director Lewis Bailey in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 11 February 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=1579. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Lewis Bailey

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Categories director | circus | The Zoological Institute | Bailey family | Born 1803 | Dead 1870 | People from United States

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