Howard Y. Bary

From the list of elephant persons Family: Bary

Howard Y. Bary
Profession circus director
Personal details
Country United States

Title director 1937-1938
Location at Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus in United States

Title owner -
Location at Howard Y. Bary in United States

Title owner
Location at British American Africa Zoo in United States

Biography details

Howard Y. Bary , circus director in United States


Howard Y. Bary is best remembered for taking over the leased Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus in 1937 and operating it that season and also in 1938. It folded in California and was sold piecemeal by the Ringling interests, from whom the property had been obtained. Joe Bradbury wrote extensive stories about both annual tours in "White Tops" magazine. You can likely locate them in the WT index on this website. A couple of interesting articles about Bary's exploits were printed in the Milwaukee (WI) Journal's famous "Green Sheet" insert in the 1950s or 1960s. They provide some insight into his African exploits and other adventures. Bary was also involved with a traveling zoo housed in several railroad cars in 1950, the British American Zoo. It was last parked on a siding at Reading, PA and may have been scrapped there. A photo of the three cars is in "Show Trains of the 20th Century," page 80. The 3 x 5 note cards in the Tom Parkinson collection at the CWM library provide other insights on Bary's name and his earliest show affiliations.
Fred Dahlinger

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Howard Y. Bary in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

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Categories director | circus | Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus | Bary family | People from United States

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