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Biography details
Kotuwe Gedara Apuhami Punchi , village mahout in Sri Lanka
Born 1926-07-06 in Sri Lanka
dead 2002-11-27 in Sri Lanka
, son of mahout K. G. Punchi Rale .
Kotuwe Gedara Apuhami (6 July 1926-27 November 2002) was a third generation Mahout ,
and father to Pinnawala elephant orphanage chief Mahout
1981-2010, K. G. Sumanabanda .
The family belongs to the high caste called Wallawue.
Punchi Apuhamis father was the Mahout
K.G. Punchi Rale in Kotagama. He had 2 elephant bulls Ilukguddaya and Natakotta. He was married to R. M. Ukuama ,
and her father was the Mahout
Siathu Hami from Kalu Galle.
Family Total: 2 children Gunaratne Punchi . Born: ?.K. G. Sumanabanda . Born: 1958-07-13.Siblings Siblings through the father K. G. Punchi Rale ( -- ): Weerasuriya Punchi Born ? Dead: † ?
Apuhami Punchi s ancestral Ahnentafel:
Apuhami Punchi Born: 1926-07-06
Father:Kotuwe Punchi Born:
Paternal Grandfather: Born:
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother: Born:
Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Mother: Born:
Maternal Grandfather: Born:
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother: Born:
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Reference list
References Koehl, Dan, (2025). mahout Kotuwe Gedara Apuhami Punchi in Sri Lanka . Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 17 February 2025 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others:
Selected publications Links about K. G. Sumanabanda Search more with Google for Apuhami Punchi The link will automatically include Apuhami Punchi and open a new browser window.
Search more on the Internet Web for Apuhami Punchi The link will automatically include Apuhami Punchi and open a new browser window
mahout | village | Kotagama village | Punchi family | Born 1926 | Dead 2002 | People from Sri Lanka
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