† Raman is a dead Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 2009-07-23 at Chester Zoo, in United Kingdom, . Official death reason described as Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV1A).
Raman was born captive-born 2006-11-12 at Chester Zoo.
Sire (f):UpaliBorn: 1994-11-14
Dame m:Thi Ha WayBorn: 1982
Although not confirmed by Chester Zoo, two independant newsreports state that Raman died in Herpes virus: 2009-11-22: Virus Kills Young Elephant:"The two-year-old male Asian elephant calf fell victim to a herpes virus that has baffled scientists worldwide since it began appearing in young elephants." 2009-12-10: Virus returns to St. Louis Zoo's elephant Jade: "Last month, the virus killed an elephant at England's Chester Zoo".
(The name Raman is already submitted into the link, just click on the link for relevant results)