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Chisco African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) at Cabarceno Zoo Obregon in Spain Biography
☨ ♂ Chisco
EEP nr 8603
Species: African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana ) Sex and age: Male ♂ 26 years old Origin
Born: * 1979 wild
Birth place:
Capture: 1979
Dead: †2005-04-16
Death reason: unknown: Offspring Total: 13 babies
1. Born 1995-02-04 ♀ Kira EEP id: 9501 2. Born 1996-12-29 ♀ Duna EEP id: 9602 3. Born 1998-03-25 (dead † 2001-05-03 ) ♂ Pepe EEP id: N/A 4. Born 1998-04-22 (dead † 1998-04-22 ) ♀ noname EEP id: 9800? (EEP nr N/A) 5. Born 1999-01-23 (dead † 2002-11-08 ) ♂ Nacho EEP id: N/A 6. Born 2000-06-14 ♂ Coco EEP id: 20001 7. Born 2001-04-10 ♀ Hilda EEP id: 20003 8. Born 2001-08-14 ♀ Kenia EEP id: 20009 9. Born 2003-04-28 ♀ Brisa EEP id: 20021 10. Born 2003-08-24 (dead † 2003-08-24 ) ⚪ noname EEP id: N/A 11. Born 2004-03-29 ♂ Yambo EEP id: 20028 12. Born 2005-05-03 ♀ Infinita EEP id: 20034 13. Born 2006-06-18 ♀ Christina EEP id: 20047
Locations - owners Present / last location: Cabarceno Zoo Obregon , in Spain
Date of arrival
1990-07-10 Cabarceno Zoo Obregon from Mallorca Safari Park
Record history
History of updates 2021-03-01
Latest document update 2020-10-18 06:25:24
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† Chisco is a dead Male ♂ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana ) , , who died 2005-04-16 at Cabarceno Zoo Obregon , in Spain , .
Offspring Total: 13 babies (F) 1995-02-04 Kira EEP id: 9501 (F) 1996-12-29 Duna EEP id: 9602 (M) 1998-03-25 -- † 2001-05-03 Pepe EEP id: N/A (F) 1998-04-22 -- † 1998-04-22 noname EEP id: 9800? (EEP nr N/A) (M) 1999-01-23 -- † 2002-11-08 Nacho EEP id: N/A (M) 2000-06-14 Coco EEP id: 20001 (F) 2001-04-10 Hilda EEP id: 20003 (F) 2001-08-14 Kenia EEP id: 20009 (F) 2003-04-28 Brisa EEP id: 20021 () 2003-08-24 -- † 2003-08-24 noname EEP id: N/A (M) 2004-03-29 Yambo EEP id: 20028 (F) 2005-05-03 Infinita EEP id: 20034 (F) 2006-06-18 Christina EEP id: 20047 Origin
Chisco was born wild 1979 , captured 1979 .
Reference list References Koehl, Dan, (2025). Chisco, African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana ) located at Cabarceno Zoo Obregon in Spain . Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 17 February 2025 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others: Peter Stolk African Elephant Studbook, Europe Regional EEP by Amelia Terkel, Zoological center Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Israel
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Categories 2005 deaths | 1979 births | Breeding bulls | EEP | 1979 captures | Elephants from Cabarceno Zoo Obregon | Spain | African savanna elephants
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