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Deceased elephants at Tierpark Berlin in Germany

This database list 12 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ LA Dashi (Dagi) EEP id: 6802 48Born: wild 1968 Dead:2016-09-18 (47 years after arrival), euthanised collapsed1969-12-17 Firma Ruhe
2+ ♀ LA Saba (Sabah) EEP id: 8504 25Born: wild 1985-00-00 Dead:2010-10-13 (23 years after arrival), unknown wounds in shoulder after fight with Pori1987-09-10 Tierpark Gronau1987
3+ ♀ EM stillborn < 1 25Born: captive-born 2009-08-26
Ankhor x Nova
Dead:2009-08-26, stillborn
4+ ♂ LA killed EEP id: 20038 < 1 25Born: captive-born 2005-06-27
Tembo x Pori
Dead:2005-06-27, killed Killed by the mother after birth
5+ ♀ EM stillborn < 1 25Born: captive-born 1998-07-31
Ankhor x Louise
Dead:1998-07-31, stillborn
6+ ♂ EM stillborn EEP id: 9812 < 1 25Born: captive-born 1998-01-17
Ankhor x Kewa
Dead:1998-01-17, disease elephant smallpox?
7+ ♀ LA Umtali 10Born: wild 1985 Dead:1995-01-26 (8 years after arrival), disease 1987-09-10 Tierpark Gronau1987
8+ ♀ EM Kosko 38Born: wild 1956 Dead:1994 (36 years after arrival), anesthesia died during operation: amputation of tail1958-00-00 Saigon Zoo (Ho Chi Minh Zoo)
9+ ♀ EM Dombo 39Born: wild 1951 Dead:1990-04-00 (35 years after arrival), accident fell into the drymoat inside the stable1955-00-00 Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)
10+ ♀ EM Bambi 25Born: wild 1952 Dead:1977 (22 years after arrival), euthanised foot cancer1955-00-00 Firma Ruhe
11+ ♂ EM Radjah 11Born: wild 1951 Dead:1962, euthanised aggressive1961-00-00 Berlin Circus Union
12+ ♂ LA Hannibal 7Born: wild 1953 Dead:1960 (5 years after arrival), disease enteritis1955-00-00 Kronberg Opel Zoo

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Tierpark Berlin

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Tierpark Berlin in Germany, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 17 February 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2016-10-10 Dashi (Dagi):•
•  Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2012-09-02 stillborn:• Petra Prager, Berlin, Germany.
2011-11-28 Radjah:• Page 173, 174,
Jumbo auf dem Drahtseil - Elefanten dressuren von gestern und heute by Gerhard Zapf
• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2011-09-06 stillborn:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2010-11-14 stillborn:• page 18, Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2010-10-15 Saba (Sabah):• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2009-03-07 Bambi:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
• Documentation 2002 - Elephants in European Zoos and Safari Parks published by European Elephant Group: Haufellner, Schilfarth, Schweiger
2008-08-26 Dombo:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2008-08-26 Umtali:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2008-08-25 Kosko:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
2008-08-25 Hannibal:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo

Tierpark Berlin on

Tierpark Berlin is mentioned on Elephant News:

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2016-01-04Berlin zoo elephant baby is actually a boy - Elephant News
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2008-04-16Tierpark berlin - Elephant News
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Love is... a family that forgives and forgets - Elephant News
2020-09-25The elephant house in tierpark berlin is now empty, first time since 1955 - Elephant News

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