Deceased elephants at Angkor Elephants Company in Cambodia

This database list 1 assumed dead elephants

OriginAgeBirthDeath dateParentsArrivalArrival from location
1Chi Tone I

This database list 15 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Sambo 19Born: unknown 1997 Dead:2016-04-23, disease collapsed, concluded heart attack
2+ ♀ EM Chi Her 19Born: unknown Dead:2009?, unknown
3+ ♀ EM Chi Pourng 19Born: unknown Dead:2009?, unknown
4+ ♀ EM Ikeo 19Born: unknown Dead:2009?, unknown
5+ ♀ EM Chi Ben 19Born: unknown Dead:2009?, unknown
6+ ♀ EM Chi Tan I 19Born: unknown Dead:2009?, unknown
7+ ⚪ EM stillborn < 1 19Born: captive-born 2004-00-00
Tong Kham x Gom Phoy
Dead:2004-00-00, stillborn
8+ ♂ EM Keav 19Born: wild Dead:, unknown 1997-00-00
9+ ♀ EM Sok Chea 19Born: unknown Dead:, unknown 1997-00-00 Sin Sorn
10+ ♀ EM So Pheap 19Born: unknown Dead:, unknown 1997-00-00 Sin Sorn
11+ ♂ EM King 19Born: unknown Dead:, unknown
12+ ♂ EM Kham On 19Born: unknown Dead:, unknown
13+ ♀ EM Bun Nang 19Born: unknown Dead:, 2003-07-00 Cambodian Cultural Village elephant camp
14+ ♀ EM Bun Rong 19Born: unknown Dead:, Kaplaeng village
15+ ♀ EM Bun Kong 19Born: unknown Dead:, Ka Tieng Waterfall elephant village

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Angkor Elephants Company

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Angkor Elephants Company in Cambodia, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2024-01-05 Bun Nang:• Khem Kapel, Hen Moel
2024-01-05 Bun Kong:• Hen Moel
2021-01-18 King:• Olivier Piot, Siem Reap
2018-12-05 Sambo:• Jack Highwood, Cambodia.
2011-03-14 Sok Chea:• Oan Kiry, Kulen Elephant Forest
2011-03-14 So Pheap:• Oan Kiry, Kulen Elephant Forest

Angkor Elephants Company on

Angkor Elephants Company is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2019-06-08Elephant rides to stop at cambodia’s biggest attraction - Elephant News
2021-03-18Accommodating elephants and tourists in siem reap - Elephant News

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Kulen Elephant Forest