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Ercole Togni
circus director
Personal details
1894 in Italy
1958 in Italy
director 1924-1951
at Circus Togni in Italy
Biography details
Ercole Togni , circus director in Italy
Born 1894 in Italy
dead 1958 in Italy
, son of director Aristide Togni and director Teresa De Bianchi .
The owners of Circus Togni, Aristide Togni
and Teresa De Bianchi
had three sons; Ercole Togni (1894-1958), Ugo Togni
(1897-1981), and Ferdinando Togni
(1900-1990). Although the circus survived and performed safely during WWII, the Circo Nazional Togni was devastated by a fire in 1951. Ercole, Ugo, and Ferdinando (Nandino) decided that it was time to split their ever-growing family within three separate circuses.
Ercoles children were Darix Togni ,
Wioris, Wanet, Leda, and Doly. Their new circus took the name of Circus Darix Togni .
Family Total: 1 children Darix Togni . Born: 1922. Dead: † 1976 Siblings Siblings through the father Aristide Togni (1853 -- 1924): Ugo Togni Born 1897 Dead: † 1981 Ferdinando Togni Born 1900 Dead: † 1990
Ercole Togni s ancestral Ahnentafel:
Ercole Togni Born: 1894
Father:Aristide Togni Born: 1853
Paternal Grandfather: Born:
Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother: Born:
Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Mother:Teresa De Bianchi Born: ?
Maternal Grandfather:Giovanni De Bianchi Born:
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:Maria de la Garenn Born:
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Reference list
References Koehl, Dan, (2025). director Ercole Togni in Italy . Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 18 February 2025 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others:
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director | circus | Circus Togni | Togni family | Born 1894 | Dead 1958 | People from Italy
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