Richard Sawade

From the list of elephant persons Family: Sawade

Richard Sawade
Carl  Sawade

Personal details
Country Germany

Title director 1926-1936
Location at Circus Carl Hagenbeck-Stellingen in Germany

Title assistant director 1916-1926
Location at Circus Carl Hagenbeck-Stellingen in Germany

Title animal trainer 1916-1916
Location at Circus Strassburger in Netherlands

Title animal trainer 1913-1913
Location at Circus Albert Schumann in Germany

Title animal trainer 1910-1911
Location at Circus Corty-Althoff (Circus Corty) in Germany

Title animal trainer 1903-1904
Location at Circus Blumenfeld in Germany

Title animal trainer 1892-1893
Location at Carl Hagenbeck Animal Exhibit (Chicago Fair) in United States

Title animal trainer 1889-1891
Location at Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen) in Germany

Title animal trainer 1888-1889
Location at Circus Willy Hagenbeck in Germany

Relevant literature

Biography details

Carl Richard Sawade , circus animal trainer in Germany

Born 1868-10-02 in Germany dead 1947-02-08 in Germany .

Richard Sawade was a schoolteachers son from Drossen in Germany (present Ośno Lubuskie in Poland), who became one of the most famous animal trainers ever. 28 August 1899 in Stockholm, he married Carolina Ornstein.

Richard Sawade began at the age of 20 as a pupil of Wilhelm Hagenbeck . In 1889, it featured a Group of tigers surrounded by an elephant and a pony. He then went to Carl Hagenbeck and took in hand a mixed Group of 21 beasts. He was hired at the Nouveau Cirque de Paris at the beginning of 1890. Three years later, he was very successful at the Chicago Fair.

In 1909-1910, in Buenos Aires, where he was the star of the Carl Hagenbeck tour , Richard Sawade was the victim of a serious collision. He returned to Europe with the Circus Corty-Althoff (Circus Corty) for the 1910-1911 season.

He ended his career as director of the Firma Carl Hagenbeck. Many authors consider him to be one of the greatest tamers in the history of the Circus.

Richard Sawade, a master trainer, by Dominique Denis

After being the star 1909-1910 on the Hagenbecks tour in South America, he returned to Europe and presented tigers on Circus Corty-Althoff (Circus Corty).

Richard Sawade
Richard Sawade with tiger at Circus Corty-Althoff (Circus Corty) winterquarters in Osnabruck.

After working on various places in Europe, he cecame assistant director on the new Circus Carl Hagenbeck - Stellingen (Lorenz Hagenbeck ) founded by Lorenz Hagenbeck in 1916. Sawadee would remain, in later years as direcor, on this circus, until he retired in Lokstedt, outside Hamburg.

1916: With the outbreak of war my old friend and teacher Richard Sawade had hastened home from South America, and now stood at my side while I made preparations for our first night in the Oslo circus building.
Animals Are My Life, by Lorenz Hagenbeck

Richard Sawade

Richard Sawade

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). animal trainer Carl Richard Sawade in Germany. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 18 January 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

  • Pages 18, 36, 101, 107, 122, 123, 126,140, 142, 144, 156, 172, 176, 178, 183, 186, 189, 190, 196, 199, 200, 203, and 227 in the book Animals Are My Life, by Lorenz Hagenbeck available online at
  • Richard Sawade, a master trainer, by Dominique Denis, August 27, 2017,
  • Le Grand Livre du Cirque - Monica J. Renevey - Edito-Service - Geneva - 1977.
  • Circuses in wood, Circuses in stone from France - Charles Degeldère and Dominique Denis - Art des 2 Mondes.
  • The tamers - Henry Thétard - Gallimard.
  • Manege frei - Ruth Malhotra - Harenberg - Dortmund - 1979.
  • Tamers of the Belle Epoque - Henry Thétard - The Circus in the Universe.
  • Die Hohe Schule der Raubtierdressur - Hans-Jürgen und Rosemarie Tiede - Freizeit - Kaufbeuren - 1997.
  • The master of tigers - Dominique Mauclair - The Circus in the Universe - n ° 181.

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Categories animal trainer | circus | Circus Carl Hagenbeck-Stellingen | Sawade family | Born 1868 | Dead 1947 | People from Germany

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