Po Chin
Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio) in Belgium

♂ Po Chin


EEP nr20003


Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:Male ♂ 24 years old
Born:* 2000-07-18 captive-born
Birth place: in Chester Zoo

Parents: Chang x ♀ Jangolie
Total: 7 babies

1. Born 2013-03-05
(dead † 2013-02-26)
stillborn EEP id: 201306

2. Born 2013-11-01 Kalaya EEP id: 201316

3. Born 2016-08-02
(dead † 2016-08-02)
noname EEP id: 201606

4. Born 2017-09-19 Ta Wan EEP id: 201719?

5. Born 2019-02-26 Malee EEP id: 201903

6. Born 2019-06-08 Luna EEP id: 201904

7. Born 2020-12-18
(dead † 2023-08-06)
Sayun EEP id: 00
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio), in Belgium

Date of arrival

2010-04-19Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio)
from Ieper Zoo (Bellewaerde Park)

2004-08-18Ieper Zoo (Bellewaerde Park)
from Chester Zoo

Record history
History of updates2021-07-21

Latest document update2020-10-18 06:25:24
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Po Chin is a living Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio), in Belgium.

Po Chin arrived in 2010-04-19 to the Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio), relocated from the Ieper Zoo (Bellewaerde Park), in Belgium.


Po Chin lives together with 17 other elephants at the Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio):

detailed list with arrival dates etc. of the other elephants
  1. 8. ♀ Amithi born 2012-12-24
  2. 9. ♀ Aye Chan May born 1995-08-13
  3. 10. ♂ Chamundi (Magnum) born 1992-05-25
  4. 11. ♀ Farina born 2003-03-20
  5. 12. ♀ Jana born 1976-00-00
  6. 13. ♀ Khaing Hnin Hnin born 1982-09-13
  7. 14. ♀ Luna born 2019-06-08
  8. 15. ♀ Mala born 1964-00-00
  9. 16. ♀ Malee born 2019-02-26
  10. 17. ♀ Maly (Malay) born 2013-03-13
  11. 18. ♀ Nang Faa born 2015-05-20
  12. 19. ♀ Praya (Preya) born 1976-00-00
  13. 20. ♀ Saphira born 2010-05-07
  14. 21. ♀ Sayang born 1995
  15. 22. ♀ Sitara born 2013-10-27
  16. 23. ♀ Soraya born 2010-12-09
  17. 24. ♂ Ta Wan born 2017-09-19


Total: 7 babies

  1. () 2013-03-05 -- † 2013-02-26 stillborn EEP id: 201306
  2. (F) 2013-11-01 Kalaya EEP id: 201316
  3. () 2016-08-02 -- † 2016-08-02 noname EEP id: 201606
  4. (M) 2017-09-19 Ta Wan EEP id: 201719?
  5. (F) 2019-02-26 Malee EEP id: 201903
  6. (F) 2019-06-08 Luna EEP id: 201904
  7. (M) 2020-12-18 -- † 2023-08-06 Sayun EEP id: 00


Po Chin was born captive-born 2000-07-18 at Chester Zoo.


Parents of Po Chin are: ♂ Chang (father) and ♀ Jangolie (mother).

Siblings through the father Chang:

  1. -- † 2012 () stillborn fetus still in utero
  2. 1993-09-09 -- † 1993-09-09 (F) killed
  3. 1995-12-19 -- † 1997-05-25 (F) Karha
  4. 1997-12-31 -- † 2018-09-07 (F) Sithami
  5. 1998-04-25 -- † 1998-04-25 (M) stillborn
  6. 1998-08-06(F) Tara
  7. 1998-08-27(F) Karishma
  8. 2000-10-07(M) Assam
  9. 2004-03-05 -- † 2004-03-05 (F) stillborn
  10. 2004-10-10 -- † 2017-10-30 (M) Tunga
  11. 2008-05-04 -- † 2015-11-30 (F) Jade
  12. 2009-05-00 -- † 2009-05-00 (F) miscarriage
  13. 2010-11-01 -- † 2010-11-01 () stillborn
  14. 2014-03-19(M) Tom
  15. 2015-05-20 -- † 2015-05-20 (M) Baby Q
  16. 2015-06-16 -- † 2018-05-27 (F) Qiyo
  17. 2017-12-25(F) Suki
  18. 2018-01-13(F) Tun Kai
  19. 2018-04-11 -- † 2018-06-26 (M) Tarzen
  20. 2020-10-01(F) Mun

Siblings through the mother Jangolie:

  1. 1998-04-25 - † 1998-04-25 (M) stillborn
  2. 2004-10-10 - † 2017-10-30 (M) Tunga


Po Chins ancestral Pedigree:

Po Chin

Sire (f):

Born: 1981-11-10

Sire ff:
Chieng Mai

Born: 1959
Sire fff:
Dame ffm:
Dame fm:

Born: 1970
Sire fmf:
Dame fmm:

Dame m:

Born: 1968

Sire mf:

Sire mff:
Dame mfm:
Dame mm:

Sire mmf:
Dame mmm:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). Po Chin, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio) in Belgium. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 September 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=1652. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories2000 births | With Pedigree | Breeding bulls | Elephants from Pairi Daiza (Parc Paradisio) | Belgium | Asian elephants

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