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Elephants transfered 1902

16 transfers of elephants during 1902 in the database

1+ -Jenny-
EM - F
died 0, -1902 years after arrival, at
1902-12-00London Zoo
2+ -Maude-
EM - F
died 1933, 31 years after arrival, at
Atlanta Zoo
1902-10-01Firma Carl Hagenbeck
3+ -Lizzie (Empress)-
EM - F
189842died 1940, 38 years after arrival, at
Philadelphia Zoo
1902-05-15Firma Carl Hagenbeck
4+ -Rachel-
EM - F
died 1931, 29 years after arrival, at
Menagerie du Paris Jardin des Plantes
5+ -Bupari-
EM - F
died 1908, 6 years after arrival, at
Halle Zoo
6+ -Queenie-
EM - F
190045died 1945, 43 years after arrival, at
Melbourne Zoo
7+ -Pepi-
LA - M
1898died 0, -1902 years after arrival, at
Wroclaw Zoo (Zoo Breslau)
8+ -Victoria -
EM - F
died 0, -1902 years after arrival, at
Antwerp Zoo
9+ -Nelly-
EM - F
died 1905, 3 years after arrival, at
Circus Kludsky
10+ -Pilot (Pilate)-
EM - M
died 1918, 16 years after arrival, at
Barnum & Bailey Circus
1902-00-00Barnum and Baileys circus European tour
11+ -Topsy (4-Paw Topsy, Crooked-tail Topsy)-
EM - F
187528died 1903, 1 years after arrival, at
Luna Park
1902-00-00Forepaugh-Sells Show
12+ -Romeo-
EM - M
died 0, -1902 years after arrival, at
Sells Brothers Circus
1902-00-00Samuel Lockhart
13+ -TomTom-
EM - M
died 1902, 0 years after arrival, at
Samuel Lockhart
14+ -Pepper-
EM - F
died 1902, 0 years after arrival, at
George Lockhart Sr.
1902-00-00Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Neue Pferdemarkt)
15+ -Mustard-
EM - F
died 1902, 0 years after arrival, at
George Lockhart Sr.
1902-00-00Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Neue Pferdemarkt)
16+ -Cardigan (Cardie)-
EM - M
died 1923, 21 years after arrival, at
Wirth Circus

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Transfers throughout the years

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