Bullen's Animal World in Australia

Bullen's Animal World

Owner 1969-1985: Stafford Bullen
Last elephant left2019
Closed down1985
Address 11 Park Rd
Place Wallacia
Region New South Wales
Country Australia


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Record history
History of updates2021-11-18

Latest document update2021-11-18 15:37:54
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Bullen's Animal World, located at 11 Park Rd, in Wallacia, Australia , was founded in 1969. The last elephant left in 2019. Bullen's Animal World closed down in 1985.

Comments / picturesBullen\'s Animal World was a circus style theme park located at Wallacia on the outskirts of Sydney. Its exact address was 11 Park Rd, Wallacia.

1969: It was opened in 1969 (when Bullen\'s Circus closed in 1969) by Stafford Bullen, the son of circus founder Alfred Bullen.
1982: Burma was sent to Taronga Zoo on "loan" after she flogged Mark Bullen on the circus' return from New Zealand in 1982.Steve Robinson on Wade Burcks blog.
Sue died around 1982 (pneumonia), buried at Wallacia.
1985: Bullen\'s Animal World operated until 1985. Its closure was to foreshadow the closure of Bullens other nearby venture, the African Lion Safari (Warragamba), in 1991.

Bullen's Animal World in Australia Australia

References for records about Bullen's Animal World

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Bullen's Animal World, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=1714. (archived at the Wayback machine)

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