Present living elephants at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) in Thailand

This database list 75 elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Origin Age Arrival from location
1 ♀ EM Chu Jai
Born wild 1978 at Asia unspecified location , 47 yrs2022-04-06 Thailand unspecified location
2 ♀ EM Thong Poon
Born unknown at Asia unspecified location 2022-03-14 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
3 ♀ EM Bai Toey
Born captive-born 2015 at Thailand unspecified location , 10 yrs2022-03-12 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
4 ♀ EM Kamu
Born wild 1980? at Asia unspecified location , 45 yrs2021-11-00 Thailand unspecified location
5 ♀ EM Mae Kham Moon
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2021-02-20 Thailand unspecified location
6 ♀ EM Pyi Mai
Born captive-born 2020? by x Kham Moon at Thailand unspecified location , 5 yrs2021-02-20 Thailand unspecified location
7 ♀ EM Hong Fah
Born unknown 2004? at Thailand unspecified location , 21 yrs2020-12-00 Phuket unspecified location
8 ♀ EM Rattana Kham
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-10-23 Pra Arjarn Moche
9 ♀ EM San Mueng
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-09-00 Phuket Zoo
10 ♀ EM Taeng Mo
Born unknown 1995 at Thailand unspecified location , 30 yrs2020-09-00 Phuket Zoo
11 ♀ EM Sumanee
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
12 ♀ EM MungMee
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
13 ♀ EM Thong Kham
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
14 ♀ EM RamRoi
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
15 ♀ EM FeungFah
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
16 ♀ EM HomNuan
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
17 ♀ EM PumSap
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2020-08-00 Thailand unspecified location
18 ♀ EM Mae Mai
Born unknown 1990 at Thailand unspecified location , 35 yrs2020-06-07 Thailand unspecified location
19 ♀ EM Wan Mai
Born captive-born 2020-05-02 by x Mai at Thailand unspecified location , 5 yrs2020-06-07 Thailand unspecified location
20 ♀ EM Mae Koy
Born wild at Unknown 2020-06-05 Koh Chang unspecified Elephant Camp
21 ♀ EM Maliwan
Born unknown at Unknown 2020-06-05 Koh Chang unspecified Elephant Camp
22 ♀ EM Mee Boon
Born wild at Thailand unspecified location 2019-00-00 Thailand unspecified location
23 ♀ EM Mo Dee
Born wild at 2015-06-00
24 ♀ EM Faa Mai
Born captive-born 2009-04-17 by Khum-min x Bua Tong at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 16 yrs2009-04-17
25 ♂ EM Gluay Hom
Born unknown at Thailand unspecified location 2019-08-07 Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm and Zoo
26 ♀ EM Duj Doa
Born unknown at 2021-01-00 Phuket unspecified location
27 ♀ EM Mai Tai
Born unknown at 2021-01-00 Phuket unspecified location
28 ♀ EM Kanjana
Born captive-born at 2018-08-14 Thailand unspecified location
29 ♀ EM Khum Paeng
Born unknown 1971 at , 54 yrs2018-00-00
30 ♀ EM Som Jai
Born unknown ~1990 at 2017-09-02 Kanchanaburi unspecified location
31 ♀ EM Pikun
Born at Unknown 2017-03-08
32 ♀ EM Thong Ae (Thong Ei)
Born unknown at 2017-00-00
33 ♀ EM Khun Yai (Kunyai)
Born unknown at 2017-00-00
34 ♀ EM Jenny
Born unknown at 2017-00-00
35 ♀ EM Ma Dee (Pachuli)
Born wild at 2016-06-00
36 ♀ EM Dok Rak
Born captive-born 2016-04-26 by x Dok Ngern (Riew Roi) at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 9 yrs2016-04-26
37 ♀ EM Kham Boon
Born unknown ~1990 at 2015-09-22
38 ♀ EM Pookie
Born unknown 1960? at , 65 yrs2015-06-00
39 ♀ EM Tad Dao (Taa Dao)
Born 1985? at Unknown , 40 yrs2015-06-00
40 ♀ EM Mae Sook Sai
Born at Unknown 2015-01-18
41 ♀ EM Jaidee
Born unknown at 2015-01-00
42 ♀ EM Saree
Born captive-born ~2006 at Thailand unspecified location 2014-11-00 Thailand unspecified location
43 ♀ EM Pang Ma Ae (Pornsawan)
Born 1993 at Unknown , 32 yrs2014-06-00 Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC)
44 ♀ EM Jaem Sai
Born unknown at 2014-03-00
45 ♀ EM Dok Mai
Born captive-born 2013-04-06 by x Dok Ngern (Riew Roi) at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 12 yrs2013-04-06
46 ♀ EM Lucky
Born at Unknown 2013-02-02 Ban Ta Klang elephant village
47 ♀ EM Sai Rung
Born at Unknown 2012-11-17 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
48 ♀ EM Dao Tong
Born unknown ~1975 at 2012-11-00 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
49 ♀ EM Mae Sao Yai (Sau Yai)
Born unknown 1984 at Unknown , 41 yrs2011-06-02 Maetaman Elephant Adventure
50 ♀ EM Tilly
Born wild 1975? at Unknown , 50 yrs2011-03-06
51 ♀ EM Mae Kham Puan
Born unknown 1965? at Unknown , 60 yrs2010-12-00 Chiang Dao Elephant Training Centre
52 ♀ EM Sri Prae
Born 1981 at Unknown , 44 yrs2010-11-03 Elephant Island
53 ♀ EM Mae Kham Paan
Born unknown at Unknown 2009-06-00 Kut Chang elephant camp
54 ♀ EM Mintra
Born unknown 1992-1996? at , 33 yrs2009-02-27 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
55 ♀ EM Mae Lanna (Mae Loei)
Born wild 1980-04-00 at Unknown , 45 yrs2007-02-23
56 ♀ EM Mae Geao
Born wild at Unknown 2006-12-00 Karen unspecified hilltribe family
57 ♀ EM Medo
Born wild 1980 at Unknown , 45 yrs2006-06-00
58 ♀ EM Sri Nuan
Born wild at Unknown 2006-01-22 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
59 ♀ EM Dok Ngern (Riew Roi)
Born captive-born 1999 at Surin unspecified Elephant Camp , 26 yrs2006-01-22 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
60 ♀ EM Malai Thong
Born captive-born 1980-1989? at Karen unspecified hilltribe family , 45 yrs2005-12-22 Surin unspecified Elephant Camp
61 ♀ EM Mae Bua Tong
Born wild 1970? at Unknown , 55 yrs2005-07-01 Maetaeng Elephant Park
62 ♀ EM Tong Jaan
Born captive-born 2005-02-14 by Plai Somboon x Bua Tong at Maetaeng Elephant Park , 20 yrs2005-07-01 Maetaeng Elephant Park
63 ♀ EM Mae Kham Sai
Born wild 1970? at Unknown , 55 yrs2004-06-00
64 ♀ EM Nong Pop
Born unknown at
65 ♀ EM Mae Sai Ngern
Born unknown at
66 ♀ EM Mae Pon
Born unknown at
67 ♀ EM Jokia
Born unknown 1960? at Unknown , 65 yrs Elephant Heaven Nature Park (Sangduen Chailert)
68 ♀ EM Di Por
Born wild 1966 at , 59 yrs
69 ♀ EM Chabaa Geaw
Born 2007 at Unknown , 18 yrs
70 ♀ EM Kham La
Born captive-born 2011 by x Sai Ngern at , 14 yrs
71 ♂ EM Navann (Navaan)
Born captive-born 2012-10-28 by Hope (Yod Doi) x Sri Prae at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 13 yrs2012-10-28
72 ♂ EM Chang Yim
Born captive-born 2009-07-12 by x Dok Ngern (Riew Roi) at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 16 yrs2009-07-12
73 ♂ EM Tong Suk (Jungle Boy)
Born captive-born 2001-11-15 by Plai Somboon x Boonna (Boun Na, Mae Boun Nam) at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 24 yrs2007-03-15 Maetaeng Elephant Park
74 ♂ EM Hope (Yod Doi)
Born captive-born 2000-08-00 at Unknown , 25 yrs Elephant Heaven Nature Park (Sangduen Chailert)
75 ♂ EM Yin Dee
Born captive-born 2013-08-24 by x Mintra at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) , 12 yrs

Source for the list of elephants presently living at Elephant Nature Park (ENP)

Reference list

Facts about present living elephants at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) in Thailand at Elephant Nature Park (ENP) in Thailand, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 20 January 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2023-12-10 Duj Doa:•
2023-12-10 Mai Tai:•
2020-12-09 Rattana Kham:•
2020-10-01 Sumanee:•
2020-10-01 MungMee:•
2020-10-01 Thong Kham:•
2020-10-01 RamRoi:•
2020-10-01 FeungFah:•
2020-10-01 HomNuan:•
2020-10-01 PumSap:•
2020-10-01 Mee Boon:•
2020-10-01 Mai:•
2020-10-01 Wan Mai:•
2020-10-01 Dao Tong:•
2020-09-29 Taeng Mo:•
2020-09-29 San Mueng:•
2020-09-21 Gluay Hom:•
2020-06-05 Koy:•
2020-06-05 Maliwan:•
2018-12-09 Hope (Yod Doi):• Cyndi Harris
•  Jodi Thomas
2018-09-15 Som Jai:•
2018-06-13 Tilly:•
2018-06-13 Tong Jaan:•
2018-06-13 Kham Boon:•
2018-06-13 Jaidee:•
2018-06-13 Saree:•
2018-06-13 Sai Rung:•
2018-06-13 Yin Dee:•
2018-06-13 Sook Sai:•
2018-06-13 Dok Rak:•
2018-06-13 Pikun:•
2018-05-07 Sai Ngern:•
2018-04-27 Ma Dee (Pachuli):•
2018-04-26 Ma Ae (Pornsawan):•
2018-04-26 Thong Ae (Thong Ei):•
2018-04-26 Nong Pop:•
2018-04-26 Jaem Sai:•
2018-04-26 Di Por:•
2018-04-26 Pookie:•
2018-04-26 Kham La:•
2018-04-26 Khun Yai (Kunyai):•
2018-04-26 Jenny:•
2018-04-26 Mae Pon:•
2018-04-26 Navann (Navaan):•
2018-04-26 Tad Dao (Taa Dao):•
2018-04-25 Tong Suk (Jungle Boy):• Jody
2018-04-25 Dok Mai:•
2016-03-18 Mo Dee:•
2013-05-13 Jokia:•
2012-03-31 Kamu:•
2012-03-12 Pyi Mai:• Current status of elephants in Peninsular Malaysia, by Saaban et al. (2011), Gajah nr 35, 2012. (Journal of the IUCN/SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group)
2012-03-11 Kham Sai:• Jodi Thomas
2011-12-04 Thong Poon:• Pattaya Elephant Village
2011-11-12 Sao Yai (Sau Yai):•
2011-04-14 Geao:•
2011-04-14 Mae Kham Paan:• Jodi Thomas
2011-03-11 Malai Thong:•
2011-03-11 Dok Ngern (Riew Roi):•
2011-03-11 Bua Tong:•
2011-03-11 Medo:•
2011-03-11 Sri Nuan:• Jodi Thomas
2011-03-11 Lanna (Mae Loei):•
2011-03-11 Mae Kham Puan:• Jodi Thomas
2011-03-11 Mintra:•
2008-12-07 Bai Toey:•

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