Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana) in India

Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana)

Address Dakshin Dhupjhora, Gorumara National Park, Wildlife-II Divis
Zip-code 735206
Place Jalpaiguri
Region West Bengal
Country India


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Record history
History of updates2020-11-11

Latest document update2020-11-11 09:37:13
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Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana), located at Dakshin Dhupjhora, Gorumara National Park, Wildlife-II Divis, in Jalpaiguri, India .

Living elephants

At the Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana) lives 13 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Aman born ~1999
  2. Bholanath
  3. Chiprarani born ~1962
  4. Fulmati
  5. Hilari
  6. Kiranraj
  7. Motirani born 2000-08-28
  8. Silavati
  9. Surya born ~1991
  10. Teestarani born 2002
  11. unknown born 2019?
  12. Unnamed born 2010-09-03
  13. Yuvraj born 2020-08-30

Comments / picturesDhupjhora is located on the fringes of the Gorumara National Park.

2002: 9 captive elephants: Nine captive elephants are presently in the Gorumara National Park and have been managed since the late eighties. Eight elephants are in the Buxa National Park and have been managed since the late nineties. These are used in patrolling duty only. (Cheeran, 2002)

2014: Senior most among her colleagues is Chipra Rani. Captured as a calf in 1962, though aged now, she is still on duty with her 10 ft plus high mountainous physique. She is the tallest one too. But Singheswari is enjoying her purely retired life for last 10 years at Buxa Tiger Reserve elephant camp. Not entirely jobless. She looks after the young ones at creche while their mothers are in field. However, at 9:00 am in the morning on Friday, “Though he had a tough day yesterday, I must get my Surya ready for duty today. It is not a free day for us,” says Anukul, a senior Mahout. And so for others like Hilari, Aman, Kiranraj, Fulmati, Chandan or Bholanath, all those are almost over by now with their usual breakfast- few kilograms of sprout, mixed with heavy dose of rock salt.

References for records about Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana)

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana), Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=1812. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana) on elephant-news.com

Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana) is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2020-08-30Jumbo gives birth to male elephant - Elephant News
2010-09-04Elephant gives birth to calf in gorumara national park in west bengal - Elephant News
Forest watch on injured elephant - Elephant News
2008-12-08India's elephants in peril. encroaching human population, fast-moving trains cut pachyderms' numbers - Elephant News
2008-04-01Oldest jumbo in bengal babudom. - 66, but neither tired nor retired - Elephant News

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