Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Education Centre in Malaysia

Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Education Centre
Some of the staff &  a few of the Centres elephants also acted in the Hollywood movie " Anna & The King ".
Some of the staff & a few of the Centres elephants also acted in the Hollywood movie " Anna & The King ".


Address Krau Game Reserve, Temerloh
Country Malaysia
Website Website


Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2023-09-11

Latest document update2023-09-11 09:54:09
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Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Education Centre, located at Krau Game Reserve, Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia , was founded in 1989.

Living elephants

At the Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Education Centre lives 27 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Abot born 1997
  2. Abut born 2000
  3. Alice born 2001
  4. Awang Jerek
  5. Berabung born 2005
  6. Cek Mek (Chek Mek)
  7. Ceri
  8. Charlie
  9. Jeli born 2009?
  10. Kala
  11. Langsat
  12. Lasah born 2001
  13. Lasah
  14. Mas
  15. Mek Bunga
  16. Mentopyan
  17. Metty (Myan Thon Pyan) born 1982
  18. Paloh born 2010?
  19. Pandan
  20. Rambai born 1978
  21. Sanom born 2003
  22. Seledang (Selendang)
  23. Siput born 2005
  24. Syawal (Shawal) born 2005
  25. Tapis
  26. Timur
  27. unknown

Comments / picturesKuala Gandah Elephant <a href='index.php?id=243' title='Conservation'>Conservation</a>
Education Centre in Malaysia MalaysiaKuala Gandah is located in the state of Pahang about a two hour drive inland from Kuala Lumpur in the middle of peninsular Malaysia. The centre is situated on the edge of Krau Wildlife Reserve and is the headquarters for the Malaysian Elephant Translocation Team. The name Kuala Gandah is taken from the nearby small stream running near the electric compound enclosure which houses the elephants during the day from 830am to 2pm before they are transferred to the roofed holding area.

In 2005, there were 38,863 visitors. This figure rose to 60,436 in 2006. The centre received a total of 81,017 visitors in 2007, which is 34 percent increase in visitors in 2007 compared to the previous year.

Some of the staff & a few of the Centres elephants also acted in the Hollywood movie " Anna & The King ".

The centres elephant unit chief was earlier Nasharuddin Othman, in 2020 Mohamad Khairul Adha Mat Amin.

2020: Since the setting up of PKGK in 1989, it has either rescued or relocated some 900 elephants. Khairul Adha said there are currently 33 elephants at the Conservation centre, a majority of the centre\'s rescued elephants are males, with bulls making up 60 per cent of it.

While there are 70 personnel based at PKGK, states with elephant population such as Perak, Johor, Terengganu, Pahang, Kelantan and Kedah have its individual units to cater to the mammal.

These states each have 10 personnel in their units.

2011: 7 males, 17 females, total 24 elephants. (Gajah 35)

The Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary, located near the Krau Wildlife Reserve, was established in 1985 by the Development of Wildlife and National Parks.

2023-09-10: The female elephant, which died at the Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre (PKGK) in Lanchang, was brought to the country from Assam, India in 1974. Lokimala was brought to this country along with three other elephants; Ganesh, La Bahadur and Paul Bahadur to aid in the relocation of wild elephants. Apart from that Lokimala was also involved in entertainment programmes for visitors to the centre.

References for records about Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Education Centre

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Education Centre, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=883. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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