Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke) in Ireland

dead elephant ☨ ♀ Baby  dead elephant
Letter to Madam Paulo from Jimmy Chipperfield, offering the elephant for sale, 1948. © <a href="">Jim Clubb archives</a>.
Letter to Madam Paulo from Jimmy Chipperfield, offering the elephant for sale, 1948. © Jim Clubb archives.



Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:Female ♀
Born:* wild
Birth place:
Dead: 1963
Death reason: disease: poisened?
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke), in Ireland

Date of arrival

Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke)
from Sharps Toffees

Sharps Toffees
from Robert Brothers Circus

1949-00-00Robert Brothers Circus
from Paulos Circus

1948-00-00Paulos Circus
from Circus Chipperfield

Record history
History of updates2024-03-07

Latest document update2020-10-23 08:33:17
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† Baby is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 1963 at Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke), in Ireland, . Official death reason described as poisened?.

Affiliated people

1: Gordon Howes (trainer to 1963)


Baby was born wild . and imported 1948?

Comments / pictures

Transfer at 1956 to not confirmed.

One of 29 elephants imported by the Chipperfields between 1947/1948.

Contradictory records:

I think this elephant was bought from Chipperfield’s in around 1948. Paulo’s Circus closed in 1949. I think they may have taken the elephant abroad with them when they went to work for Circus Sareola (sp?) However. on November 15th 1950 they sold the elephant to Robert Brothers. This was the first elephant Robert Brothers really performed (there was one other before that didn’t work). This elephant was soon joined by two others, Bambino and SImba. However, by 1959 only Baby remained. I saw her work in 1959 and ’60. They then bought five baby elephants and Baby was rented out to other shows like Sanger, Count Lazard and Fossett’s in Ireland. She died in Ireland in 1963. In the later years she was presented by Gordon Howes, the father of our manager, Michael Howes.
Jim Clubb, UK.

Records about Baby from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
The elephant, Baby, originally came from Chipperfield's and was trained by Kossmeyar and then sold to Madam Clara Paulo, where it worked with a small pony and a great dane dog. At the closure of Paulos, Robert Brothers bought her. She was a dangerous elephant. In later years she was presented by Gordon Howes the father of Michael Howes, who works for me. She died in Ireland with Fossett's Circus in 1963.
Jim Clubb, UK. on Buckles blog

William "Buckles" Woodcock

Baby being bought by my grand mother and was trained by my uncle to work with a great dane dog and a llama and pony when my grmother sold up the elephant was sold to robertbrothers circus who could not get on with her and sold her to a mr sharp of sharps toffees who engaged Gordon Howes to work her and they went to ireland and dureing the season she was poisened.

...She was sold to the roberts family who never got on with her, she was then sold to a mr sharps of sharps toffe fame (i believe) who then employed Gordon Howes to work her on contract to fossetts circus in ireland where she was mysteriously poisened and that is the only info i have on her in my archives i have a photo of her being loaded on the ship going to finland for contract with circus mikenie who booked in gran's full programme my uncle Ken is seen standing on her back in the air dangling from the crane

Carlos Macmanus, on Ryans blog at

Baby in Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke)
Letter to Madam Paulo from Jimmy Chipperfield, offering the elephant for sale, 1948. Jim Clubb archives.
Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). Baby, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke) in Ireland. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 16 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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Categories1963 deaths | Born in Sri Lanka | 1948 imports | Elephants from Fossett Brothers Circus (Powell & Clarke) | Ireland | Asian elephants

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