African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) at
Disneys Animal Kingdom in United States

♀ Nadirah

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Alternative name: Nidirah


SSP nr546


Species:African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana)
Sex and age:Female ♀ 19 years old
Management:Protected contact
Born:* 2005-12-19 captive-born
Birth place: in Disneys Animal Kingdom
Birth weight 106.00 kgs, 233.20 lbs

Parents: Jack (Jackson) x ♀ Donna
Total: 1 babies

1. Born 2023-12-16 Corra SSP id: 0000?
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Disneys Animal Kingdom, in United States

Date of arrival

2005-12-19Disneys Animal Kingdom
Record history
History of updates2024-01-14

Latest document update2023-12-16 16:44:04
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Nadirah is a living Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the Disneys Animal Kingdom, in United States.

Nadirah arrived in 2005-12-19 to the Disneys Animal Kingdom,


Nadirah lives together with 9 other elephants at the Disneys Animal Kingdom:

detailed list with arrival dates etc. of the other elephants
  1. Corra born 2023-12-16
  2. Donna born 1984
  3. Jabali born 2011-08-25
  4. Kianga born 2004-07-06
  5. Luna born 2010-05-20
  6. Maclean (Mac) born 1982
  7. Stella born 2017-01-00
  8. Tsavo born 2008-06-28
  9. Vasha born 1985


  1. (F) 2023-12-16 Corra SSP id: 0000?


Nadirah was born captive-born 2005-12-19 at Disneys Animal Kingdom.


Parents of Nadirah are: ♂ Jack (Jackson) (father) and ♀ Donna (mother).

Siblings through the father Jack (Jackson):

  1. 1998-04-22 -- † 1998-04-22 (M) stillborn
  2. 1999-09-12(F) Victoria
  3. 2000-09-19(M) Callee
  4. 2004-07-06(F) Kianga
  5. 2007-03-18 -- † 2010-05-12 (M) Scotty
  6. 2008-06-28(M) Tsavo
  7. 2008-07-09(F) Angelina
  8. 2008-07-25(F) Zuri
  9. 2008-10-28 -- † 2008-10-28 () fetal death
  10. 2009-07-06 -- † 2009-07-07 (F) Lil Girl
  11. 2009-08-10(F) Zuri
  12. 2011-06-03 -- † 2021-04-10? (M) Lucas
  13. 2011-07-20 -- † 2019-03-26 (F) Kalina
  14. 2012-06-28 -- † 2019-03-19 (F) Nyah
  15. 2017-05-31 -- † 2017-08-30 () unknown
  16. 2019-09-02 -- † 2023-05-30 (M) Fitz
  17. 2021-07-18 -- † 2024-02-15 (F) Tsuni

Siblings through the mother Donna:

  1. 2010-05-20(F) Luna
  2. 2017-01-00(F) Stella


Nadirahs ancestral Pedigree:


Sire (f):
Jack (Jackson)

Born: 1976

Sire ff:

Sire fff:
Dame ffm:
Dame fm:

Sire fmf:
Dame fmm:

Dame m:

Born: 1984

Sire mf:

Sire mff:
Dame mfm:
Dame mm:

Sire mmf:
Dame mmm:

Comments / pictures

"By the time Nadirah was born, the other elephants were accustomed to the calves, and they became very tolerant. "She became just this little princess," Lehnhardt says. "They allowed her to walk up to virtually any elephant and suckle. Very unusual, wed never seen that before."
John Lehnhardt

In 2003, the decision was made to move Donna, the sole African elephant in the Rio Grande Zoos six elephant group, to the Disney Animal Kingdoms elephant breeding program. At 21 years old, she gave birth to her first calf, Nadirah, a result of natural breeding with Jackson four months after her arrival. She was the fourth calf to be born at the park - three sired by Jackson and a stillbirth sired by Bulwagi.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). Nadirah, African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) located at Disneys Animal Kingdom in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 10 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories2005 births | With Pedigree | Breeding cows | Elephants from Disneys Animal Kingdom | United States | African savanna elephants

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