Deceased elephants at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park in United Kingdom

This database list 20 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Unnamed EEP id: 201901 < 1 Born: captive-born 2019-01-12
Raja x Geetha
Dead:2019-01-16, euthanised Very weak by birth, and in spite of Veterinarian and keepers support did not recover.
2+ ♀ EM Azizah (Lay,Layang Layang) EEP id: 8403 34Born: wild 1984-04-00 Dead:2018-02-00 (17 years after arrival), euthanised 2001-12-04 London Zoo
3+ ♂ EM Max EEP id: 201314 2Born: captive-born 2013-10-13
Emmett (Tundi) x Karishma
Dead:2015-06-05 (2 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus
4+ ♀ EM Leelee (Bets) EEP id: 200701 2Born: captive-born 2007-01-19
Emmett (Tundi) x Kaylee
Dead:2009-05-17 (2 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV1A)
5+ ♂ EM Donaldson (Riddle) EEP id: 200801 < 1 2Born: captive-born 2008-01-17
Emmett (Tundi) x Azizah (Lay,Layang Layang)
Dead:2009-05-03, disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV1A)
6+ ♀ EM Aneena EEP id: 200404 2Born: captive-born 2004-03-16
Emmett (Tundi) x Kaylee
Dead:2006-12-17 (2 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV1B)
7+ ♀ EM Geeta EEP id: 8211 26Born: wild 1980-06-00 Dead:2006-02-07 (5 years after arrival), euthanised arthtritis? aggressive?2001-12-04 London Zoo1982
8+ ♀ EM Anna EEP id: 8216 20Born: unknown 1982-12-18 Dead:2002-07-04 (13 years after arrival), disease infection after twin stillbirth1989-06-17 E.A.G. van den Brink1989
9+ ⚪ EM stillborn EEP id: 200206 < 1 20Born: captive-born 2002-07-01
Emmett (Tundi) x Anna
Dead:2002-07-01, stillborn
10+ ⚪ EM stillborn < 1 20Born: captive-born 2002-02-02
Emmett (Tundi) x Lucha (Khaing Hwia See)
Dead:2002-02-02, stillborn
11+ ♀ LA Katie 22Born: wild 1967 Dead:1989-10-30 (22 years after arrival), unknown 1967-09-05
12+ ♂ LC Jumbo III 22Born: wild 1966 Dead:1988-12-18 (15 years after arrival), unknown 1973-08-23 London Zoo
13+ ♀ LA MSamva 13Born: wild 1968 Dead:1981-07-27 (13 years after arrival), unknown 1968-10-22
14+ ♀ EM Walli EEP id: 5015 24Born: wild 1950 Dead:1974-09-01 (24 years after arrival), accident fell into dry moat1950-07-20 United Kingdom (England) unspecified location
15+ ♀ EM Mangal Peary EEP id: 2706 24Born: wild Dead:1972-09-14 (40 years after arrival), disease heart failure1932-05-04 Alfred Ezra
16+ ♀ EM Dixie EEP id: 0302 46Born: wild 1917 Dead:1963-10-21 (31 years after arrival), unknown 1932-01-18 Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie)
17+ ♀ EM Nurjahar EEP id: 2703 46Born: wild Dead:1943-02-11 (12 years after arrival), unknown 1931-05-11 London Zoo
18+ ♀ EM Bhisca Peary EEP id: 2705 46Born: Dead:1941-02-03 (9 years after arrival), 1932-05-04 Alfred Ezra
19+ ♀ EM Ranee EEP id: 2203 46Born: wild Dead:1941-01-13 (2 years after arrival), euthanised 1939-09-03 London Zoo
20+ ♂ LC Peter 2Born: wild 1927-01 Dead:1929-08-01, trauma left humerus was broken by a black rhinoceros in London Zoo1929-07-30 London Zoo1928

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park in United Kingdom, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 1 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2020-03-05 Unnamed:•
2018-12-07 Aneena:• Gary S. Hayward, Ph D. John Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
2018-12-07 Leelee (Bets):• Virus kills another Whipsnade Zoo baby elephant
•  Gary S. Hayward, Ph D. John Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
2018-12-07 Donaldson (Riddle):• Guillaume Rebis, Whipsnade Zoo
•  Gary S. Hayward, Ph D. John Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
2018-05-10 Geeta:• News article
2018-02-28 Azizah (Lay,Layang Layang):• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Crushed elephant keeper's lucky escape,", 2010-01-14
2016-01-04 Max:•
•  Daniela Dunger, Leipzig
2012-06-16 Mangal Peary:• Jonas Livet, France
2012-06-13 Dixie:• Jonas Livet, France
•  Christoffer Brack, Wüppertal, Germany. Facebook:
2012-02-25 Jumbo III:• The African Forest Elephant and its status in captivity. Part 1: Europe, by Don Cousins, International Zoo News No. 251 (41/2) March 1994. Online list at
•  Wayne Jackson, Canada
•  "African Elephants at Whipsnade Zoo," ZooChat
2010-12-19 Katie:• "African Elephants at Whipsnade Zoo," ZooChat
2010-12-19 MSamva:• "African Elephants at Whipsnade Zoo," ZooChat
2009-11-25 Walli:• Christoffer Brack, Wüppertal, Germany. Facebook:
0000-00-00 Peter:• Brooklyn Times Union 02/27/1929 through Ryan Easley, USA
•  zooboy on ZooChat 2023-07-12,

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