Elephants transfered 1962

51 transfers of elephants during 1962 in the database

1+ -Prince Obert (Dilip)-
EM - M
1961-09-202died 1963, 1 years after arrival, at
Fairyland Circus
1962-12-06Dallas Zoo
21962+ -Douglas-
LA - M
died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Circus Carl Althoff
1962-11-28Firma Ruhe
31962+ -unknown-
LA - M
1960died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Circus Carl Althoff
1962-11-28Firma Ruhe
4+ -Sudan-
LA - M
1960died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Circus Carl Althoff
1962-11-28Firma Ruhe
51962?+ -Ranee-
EM - F
195543died 1998, 36 years after arrival, at
Sydney Zoo
1962-11-01Mayfields Kennels and Zoo (H.H. de Souza)
61962?+ -Joan-
EM - F
195818died 1976, 14 years after arrival, at
Sydney Zoo
1962-11-01Mayfields Kennels and Zoo (H.H. de Souza)
7+ -Timbo-
LA - M
19589died 1967, 5 years after arrival, at
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
1962-10-10Denver Zoo
8+ -Babbette-
EM - F
died 1964, 2 years after arrival, at
Oakland Zoo (Knowland Park)
9+ -Alport-
LA - F
195849died 2007, 45 years after arrival, at
San Antonio Zoo
10+ -Lucy-
LA - F
195749died 2006, 44 years after arrival, at
Milwaukee County Zoo
1962-08-30John Seago Game Trapping Organisation
11+ -Koa-
LA - F
196018died 1978, 16 years after arrival, at
Milwaukee County Zoo
1962-08-30John Seago Game Trapping Organisation
12+ -Babe-
LA - F
195843died 2001, 39 years after arrival, at
Milwaukee County Zoo
1962-08-30John Seago Game Trapping Organisation
131962+ -Buag Hah (Pang Yang)-
EM - F
195838died 1996, 34 years after arrival, at
Copenhagen Zoo
1962-06-22Thailand unspecified location
141962+ -Chieng Mai-
EM - M
195958died 2017, 55 years after arrival, at
Copenhagen Zoo
1962-06-22Thailand unspecified location
15+ -Lollo-
EM - F
194916died 1965, 3 years after arrival, at
Hannover Zoo
1962-05-22Augsburg Zoo
16+ -Maybelle-
LA - F
196044died 2004, 42 years after arrival, at
San Francisco Zoo
1962-05-22Gene Goebel
17+ -Judy-
LA - F
19607died 1967, 5 years after arrival, at
San Francisco Zoo
1962-05-22Gene Goebel
18+ -Cookie-
EM - F
19612died 1963, 1 years after arrival, at
Brookfield Zoo
1962-05-10Jungleland Thousand Oaks animal farm (Louis Goebel)
19+ -Bertha-
EM - F
195148died 1999, 37 years after arrival, at
Nugget Casino
1962-05-02Deppe Classic Circus
20+ -Moti (Mohti)-
EM - M
194825died 1973, 11 years after arrival, at
Hannover Zoo
1962-04-17Firma Ruhe
21+ -Sabu-
EM - F
194834died 1982, 20 years after arrival, at
Hannover Zoo
1962-04-17Firma Ruhe
22+ -Burma-
EM - F
194537died 1982, 20 years after arrival, at
Hannover Zoo
1962-04-17Firma Ruhe
23+ -Lucky-
EM - F
196062died 2022, 60 years after arrival, at
San Antonio Zoo
1962-04-05Bucky Steele
24+ -Belle-
EM - F
1960died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
San Antonio Zoo
1962-04-00Bucky Steele
25+ -Suzie-
EM - F
1961died 1962, 0 years after arrival, at
Mills Brothers Circus
261962?+ -Assam-
EM - M
196010died 1970, 8 years after arrival, at
Erfurt Zoo
1962-02-23George Munro
271962?+ -Rani II-
EM - F
died 1966, 4 years after arrival, at
Halle Zoo
1962-02-23George Munro
281962?+ -Bupari III-
EM - F
died 1993, 31 years after arrival, at
Halle Zoo
1962-02-23George Munro
29+ -Jubilee-
EM - F
1956-05-0243died 1999, 37 years after arrival, at
Circus Richter
1962-02-21Budapest Zoo
30+ -Sheila-
EM - F
died 1964, 2 years after arrival, at
Chester Zoo
1962-02-00Dudley Zoo
31+ -unknown-
EM -
died 1962, 0 years after arrival, at
Portland Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo)
1962-02-00Jungleland Thousand Oaks animal farm (Louis Goebel)
32+ -Gigi-
EM - F
1961-10died 1962, 0 years after arrival, at
Stan Kramien
1962-02-00Oakland Baby Zoo
33+ -unknown-
LA - M
1960died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Circus Carl Althoff
1962-01-30Firma Ruhe
34+ -Ginny-
EM - F
195549died 2004, 42 years after arrival, at
San Antonio Zoo
1962-01-23Rider Animal Company
35+ -Mary-
EM - F
died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
1962-00-00Beech Bend Amusement Park (Charles Garvin)
36+ -Laila-
EM - F
195819died 1977, 15 years after arrival, at
Augsburg Zoo
1962-00-00Hannover Zoo
371962+ -Kwuba-
LA - F
died 1977, 15 years after arrival, at
Boras Zoo
1962-00-00Cologne Zoo (Köln Zoo)
381962+ -Toto-
LA - M
died 1977, 15 years after arrival, at
Boras Zoo
1962-00-00Cologne Zoo (Köln Zoo)
391962+ -Tabu-
LA - F
died 1977, 15 years after arrival, at
Boras Zoo
40+ -Bimbo-
LA - M
died 1977, 15 years after arrival, at
Boras Zoo
41+ -Bibi-
LA - F
died 1983, 21 years after arrival, at
Wuppertal Zoo
421955+ -Louie (Old Diamond)-
LA - M
194634died 1980, 18 years after arrival, at
Knoxville Zoo
1962-00-00Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
43+ -Nelly-
EM - F
195740died 1997, 35 years after arrival, at
Sapucaia Zoo
44+ -Toto-
LA - F
195921died 1980, 18 years after arrival, at
London Zoo
45+ -Pinky-
EM - F
died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus
1962-00-00Paul Miller
EM - F
Circo Bell1962-00-00Rudy Brothers Circus
47+ -Bibbitt-
EM - F
196118died 1979, 17 years after arrival, at
Cameron Park Waco Zoo
48+ -Sai Geeta-
EM -
195454died 2008, 46 years after arrival, at
Sathya Sai Baba (Sathyanarayana Raju)
1962-00-00Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
49+ -Radsch-
EM - M
1952died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Dushanbe Zoo
50+ -Susie-
EM - F
died 0, -1962 years after arrival, at
Cristiani-Wallace Brothers Circus
1962-00-00Barnett Brothers Circus (Wallace Brothers Circus)
51+ -H'Banh-
EM - F
195960died 2019, 57 years after arrival, at
Y So Enuol

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